Cause analysis and treatment of blockage at the precooler's evaporator of nitrogen plant 制氮设备预冷机组蒸发器堵塞的原因分析与处理
The precooler is at least one water freezing type heat exchange machine or a heat exchange machine conducting heat exchange with compressed air after cooling. 所述的预冷器至少为一水冷式热交换器或与经冷却器冷却后压缩空气进行热交换的热交换器;
The existent problem of precooler agitator and its solving measure 预冷釜搅拌器存在的问题及解决措施
To fully utilize the low temperature exergy of liquid hydrogen, installed additionally in a hydrogen energy based gas turbine cycle is an air precooler and hydrogen turbine. 为了充分利用液氢的低温火用,在氢能燃气轮机循环中附加了一个空气预冷器和氢气透平。
A low heat exchange efficiency of UF-2700/ 7 type precooler was caused by low-quality cooling water, high temperature of inlet gas and insufficient heat exchange area, which limited the operation of air separation unit. 冷却水水质欠佳、进气温度偏高和换热面积偏小造成UF-2700/7型预冷机换热效率低,制约了空分设备的正常生产。