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  1. The influence of precrack depth on the loading capacity of a FRP reinforced concrete beam
  2. A test was carried out by using electric current pulse in order to heal a through thickness precrack in steel.
  3. The effect of hydrogen on the apparent yield strength of a smooth tensile and precrack twist specimen are insignificant.
  4. The results show that pore pressure, precrack depth and loading path all affect the K_ ( IC) value of rock significantly.
  5. The reasonable suggestion to solve the problem of precrack is presented.
  6. According to the variation laws of plastic zone, stress and displacement fields of concrete lining in the contact process, the transfering process of tangential stress of lining and rock mass can be well simulated by setting up precrack element at possible crack position.
  7. The distributions of stress and strain ahead of a precrack tip in three point bending specimen are calculated by finite element method and the fracture surfaces, the micro-cavities and micro-cracks in the vicinities of the precrack tip are also observed.
  8. In this paper, experimental researches and stress analysis were performed to investigate the precrack technique of ceramics, and the advantage as well as disadvantage were discussed.
  9. In this paper. bridge-indentation method is adopted to precrack in ceramic specimens, and the advantage as well as disadvantage are discussed.
  10. The results show that there is a minimum distance from the cleavage to the precrack tip within which there are only micro-cavities instead of micro-cracks due to lower triaxiality of stress, and that the characteristic distance in RKR model does not exist.
  11. Quench cracking results from the subcutaneous blowhole acting as precrack.