The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors 这届政府从前任那里接过了一个非常棘手的烂摊子。
It would be unfair to suggest that he will be no more effective than his predecessors 暗示他不会比前任们更有作为是不公平的。
Her reticence was in sharp contrast to the glamour and star status of her predecessors 她的寡言少语和前任们的光鲜亮丽、明星范儿十足形成了鲜明的对比。
This leaves the Prime Minister, like his predecessors, earnestly trying to talk down wages. 这就使得首相和他的前任们一样,急于削减工资。
IBM Rational Method Composer and its predecessors have always provided a standalone process, independent of tools. IBMRationalMethodComposer和它的前任一直提供单独的过程,不依赖工具。
A revision can have multiple predecessors, too. 一个修订也可以有多个前身。
His predecessors had been supine. 他的前任们采取了听之任之的态度。
Each of his predecessors has received it. 他的每一位前任都获得了这种授权。
In this respect, he was continuing in the tradition of his predecessors. 他在这方面继承了几位前任的传统。
All of these products had predecessors, but they managed to take their categories to a new level. 所有这些产品都有前辈,但它们做到了将其所属类别提升至一个新高度。
Like these predecessors, the key will be the success that participants have in combining content with platforms. 像科技和媒体业一样,关键是参与者能成功将内容与平台结合起来。
I have survived your predecessors, and I will survive you. 你的前身都杀不了我,你也一样!
I have been reasonably fortunate rarely to receive public "advice" from my predecessors. 可以说我几乎没有从我的前任那得到任何建议,这是幸运的。
I would like to recognize Dr Mahler in the audience as one of my predecessors. 我要承认在坐的马勒博士即是我的前辈之一。
You, whose predecessors scored initial success in astronomical research, have acquired a greater accomplishment in this respect. 你,天文研究得分初步成功的前任者,在这方面已经取得更大的成就。
The predecessors had several opinions regarding the defeat of New Life Movement, but it was not comprehensive. 前人对于新生活运动的失败已有几种见解,但是仍然不够全面。
Obviously, he drew upon all sorts of sources and predecessors but psychoanalysis is identified as Freud's creation. 显然,他利用了各种资源,还总结了前人的成果,但精神分析依然被认为,是由弗洛伊德提出的。
It's about a relationship to predecessors who are seen as too similar. 也是因为和前辈的关系,他们看太像了。
I also found the new bb10 browser much faster than its predecessors. 此外,我发现新的bb10浏览器比之前的版本快很多。
This paper reviews what predecessors have done on this issue. 本文拟就前人在此问题上的研究做一个述评。
It was from this tradition, familiar to all predecessors, that Leonardo chose to depart. 而达文西却选择背弃这个前人熟知的传统画法。
She hailed her predecessors, Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl, for uniting Europe and Germany. 她称赞她的前辈,康拉德阿登纳和赫尔穆特科尔,团结了欧洲和德国。
I also want to express my appreciation to WHO, to you its staff, and to my predecessors. 我还要向世卫组织,向作为其职员的你们,以及向我的前任者表示感谢。
Most of my predecessors have taken office in July. 我的大多数前任者在7月就职。
But Stringer, and his predecessors, have been making that same promise for years. 但是纵梁和他的前辈,做同样诺言多年来。
We have Republicans on the board; both of my predecessors were Republican. 我们董事会中有共和党员,我的两位前任都是共和党员。
You'd like kafka, one of my predecessors. 那你会喜欢我的前辈卡夫卡。
But there are still reasons for thinking that the new declinism may be more soundly based than its predecessors. 但我们仍有理由认为,新的衰落主义可能建立在比之前版本更为健全的基础上。
Perhaps, but had Orwell consulted his predecessors, he would have encountered different sentiments. 但是如果奥威尔真的咨询过他的前辈,他恐怕会听到一些不同的感想。
My predecessors set the course to modernize managerial and administrative procedures. 我的各位前任制定了管理和行政程序现代化的方向。