Predesign method of optimum path of earthquake disaster rescue 地震救灾路径优化预设计方法
In the third chapter, the author discuss the working element and main performance features of the low noise amplifier ( LNA), then design the LNA with the ADS& a authoritative electronic emulate software used in radio frequency, and make the LNA met all predesign features; 第三章讨论了低噪声放大器的工作机理和主要的性能指标,并用射频电路权威仿真软件ADS进行了设计仿真,并达到预期的设计指标。
The strength and strength homogeneity of surrounding rock were improved by using many transformation techniques of mechanical deformation mechanisms, such as predesign rigid-flexible layer technique, predesign rigid-space-flexible layer technique and rockbolt optimization in the three direction etc., so that the roadway could be stabled. 采用预留刚柔层技术、预留刚隙柔层技术和锚杆三维空间优化技术等多种变形力学机制转化技术来提高围岩的强度及其均一性,达到维护高应力软岩巷道稳定的目的。
Based on the new situation of our urban construction affected by the market economical system, the paper discusses three stages of urban design process and briefly explores the concept of predesign. 针对我国市场经济大环境对城市建设的影响,提出了城市设计过程的三个阶段,并借鉴西方的经验,对预先设计概念作了初步探讨。
The protective breaking resistance design of the project shall be executed for predesign or trial design, which is not only opening up, but also practical. 工程抗断防护设计应进行预设计或试设计,既要有开拓性,又要有现实性。
The Predesign of steckel mill Reheating Furnace 炉卷轧机加热炉设计初探
Research on the method to calculate the wheel load in the predesign of rock bolt crane girder 岩壁吊车梁轮压荷载的等效计算研究