Electronic retailing has predictably become known as etailing. 正如所料,electronicretailing(网络零售业务)已经被称为etailing。
The children were predictably fractious. 孩子们肯定会耍脾气。
The party has predictably rejected the proposals as a subterfuge. 不出所料,该党以这些提议是在耍花招为由而加以拒绝。
Volume is also good enough for playing back music and videos, though bass was predictably missing. 音量非常适合播放音乐和视频,虽然低音部分略有不足。
That figure, as he points out, has been growing predictably. 他指出,与预测的一致,这一数字一直在持续增长。
The result is a more robust and maintainable product delivered predictably with a higher probability of economic success. 结果是一个更为健壮和可维护的产品的按期发行,于是产品在经济上成功的可能性也就更大了。
On most Linux distributions, you can install GCC from a package called, predictably, gcc. 在大多数Linux版本中,不出预料,您可以从一个名为gcc的包中安装GCC。
The iterative paradigm has been demonstrated as a superior method for developing software predictably. 迭代开发模型已经证明是一个软件开发的优越的方法。
So once again, and perhaps predictably, my verdict on a Nolan movie is near-great. 所以,再一次的,或许应该说是果不其然,这是一部在我看来几乎伟大的诺兰电影。
The beginning of the new government has been predictably bumpy. 可以预见,希腊新一届政府的开端将是坎坷的。
Predictably enough, the Greek prime minister was feted by Vladimir Putin. 不出所料,这位希腊总理受到了弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)的盛情款待。
This proposal predictably caused considerable opposition. 这个提议不出意料地引起了强烈的反对。
Predictably, people in deficit countries tend to blame the problems on the surpluses. 可以预见,赤字国家的人们往往会将问题归咎于盈余国家。
This has been predictably cheered by the infrastructure lobby and denounced by the poverty lobby. 可想而知,这种做法受到了基建游说集团的欢迎,但遭到了代表贫困阶层的游说团体的谴责。
Predictably, we did not uncover any new truths about the West in three short weeks. 不出所料,在短短的三周中,我们没有发现有关西部的新情况。
Hawaiians, perhaps predictably, developed a pizza with a pineapple and ham topping. 夏威夷人,或许一想就知道,发展出一种上面覆着凤梨和火腿的披萨。
Predictably, he did not like the news. 如所预料地,他不喜欢这个消息。
Chinese banks and other financial institutions refused to acquire predictably depreciating dollar assets. 中国的银行和其它金融机构拒绝购买贬值趋势明显的美元资产。
Class I: Dangerous or defective products that predictably could cause serious health problems or death. 级:危险的或有缺陷的产品,可造成严重的健康问题或死亡。
Predictably, much of that time was instead spent grandstanding. 不难预测,大部分时间都被浪费在哗众取宠上了。
It would be very French, after all, to go predictably out of control. 毕竟,可预料的失去控制是非常法国性的。
Perhaps predictably in a consumer society, charity and ethics have turned into a form of consumption. 在一个消费社会里,也许可以这样预言:慈善和良知已经成为一种消费模式。
And by no predictably China, Korea and Japan walked away with the most medals. 中国、韩国和日本毫无意外地成为获得奖牌数最多的国家。
Chinese statements thus far have predictably urged calm and the preservation of stability. 迄今中方的声明都是可以预料的套话,即敦促各方平静、维持稳定。
Predictably but disappointingly, many politicians are using their increased power to impose protectionist policies. 可以预见而令人失望的是,许多政客将利用自己增强的影响力来推行保护主义政策。
The withering of the Doha world trade round has led, predictably, to a flourishing crop of alternatives. 可以预见的是,多哈(Doha)回合世贸谈判的枯萎,促成了各种选择的繁荣。
Predictably this spurred them to read more books and improved their vocabularies. 可以预见的是,这会激励他们去读更多的书从而提高词汇量。
Predictably, most songwriters don't dig this kind of use. 可以预见的是,大多数歌曲不挖这种使用。
But from last December, the renminbi has moved less predictably against the dollar. 但从去年12月开始,人民币兑美元汇率的走势就不那么好预测了。
Sadly, if predictably, the opposition has splintered under the pressure. 遗憾的是,如果不出意料,反对党在压力下已被迫分裂。