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  1. Finally, I'll talk briefly about how Merrill Lynch is leveraging these forces to achieve preeminence in financial services.
  2. I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.
  3. I will oblige any sincere request. Our idea is?" pursuing preeminence, honesty and trustworthiness, cooperation and common interest ".
  4. Preeminence in all and each is yours.
  5. Now some believe that the clan's preeminence is already being challenged.
  6. For all their enormous differences, every hyperpower in history was, at least by the standards of its time, extraordinarily pluralistic and tolerant during its rise to preeminence.
  7. It is difficult to judge whether it is the symbolism of such deals, concerns about national security, or the slowly dawning recognition that america's position of assumed economic preeminence is being challenged that upsets Americans most.
  8. No one doubted the preeminence of my father in financial matters.
  9. All the employees of the company wholeheartedly and honestly hope to cooperate with form all walks of life from home and abroad to pursue for mutual development and create future resplendence. Our idea is?" pursuing preeminence, honesty and trustworthiness, cooperation and common interest ".
  10. Japan had no such confidence in its cultural preeminence or diplomatic skill.
  11. More than anything else, the United States 'ability to draw in and exploit the world's most valuable human capital has been responsible for its ascent to economic, military, technological preeminence.
  12. The governments of France and the UK launched a joint project to outdo the Americans at their own game, by designing a supersonic jet that would re-store European technological preeminence.
  13. No one doubted his preeminence in financial matters.
  14. To the State Department, its preeminence, however hollow and formalistic, was a crucial symbol.
  15. We insist "honesty, cooperation, win-win" and "pursuing preeminence" as our operation principle, we will try our best to serve you.
  16. The Philosophical Analysis of the Relation between Adaptability and Preeminence of Education for All-round Development
  17. Many observers view China's return to wealth and power as a direct threat to the preeminence of the United States. However, as Chas W.
  18. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
  19. This paper relies on National Natural Science Fund Project Complex issue of Inhabitant Recombination and Travel Distribution and Research in its Model and Jilin Province Preeminence Youth Fund Sustentation Project Research in Macro-Traffic Flow Theory. The dissertation consists of six chapters.
  20. Impulse, unwilling to be preeminence, and losing activity may be owe to the deficiency of Interference control.
  21. Exquisite intension of writing and practiced skill of text make him to be the preeminence author of Japanese literatus.
  22. Moral education should guide people to make prudent choice and choice good life, so to promote the growth and perfection of moral-self, exhibit the excellence, preeminence and goodliness of human nature.



  1. high status importance owing to marked superiority
    1. a scholar of great eminence

    Synonym:    eminencedistinctionnote