Incentive to leave: there was lots of talk yesterday about preemptively structuring founder liquidity. 1.可能鼓励辞职:10日围绕创始人股票的流动性预设有很多讨论。
Instead, it published a series of prerequisites for future applications seeking approval for any HIV diagnostic test which preemptively forbade rapid home tests. 不仅如此,FDA还出台了一系列条条框框来约束未来任何HIV检测产品的申请,这相当于先发制人地否决了HIV快速家庭自测。
For companies to change their culture and encourage wrongdoing to surface, Monahan says leaders must communicate "preemptively" to let staff know that unethical actions are going to happen at times, but if they surface these issues they will be protected. 至于如何改变公司文化、鼓励检举不当行为,莫纳汉建议管理者必须“预先”让员工知道,不道德的行为时有发生,但检举者都会得到保护。
That was a response to testimony by South Korea's joint chiefs of staff chairman that Seoul has contingency plans to preemptively strike North Korean nuclear weapons sites. 那是对韩国高级将领有关北韩核问题一番话的反应。韩国韩国参谋长联席会议主席说,首尔有向北韩核武器基地进行先发制人袭击的应变计划。
Preemptively making something an architectural element ( something hard to change later) sometimes blinds you to what it would look like as a lighter-weight design element. 预先将一些内容设计为一个架构元素(后来很难更改)有时会让您蒙蔽,想不到它作为一个轻量级设计元素时会是什么样子。
An optional completion function is available to preemptively complete the task, even if all of the subtasks are not yet completed. 可以使用可选的完成功能提前完成任务,即使子任务还没有全部完成。
The GC thread can also preemptively sleep if it can't complete its upcoming work item before the quantum end time. 如果GC线程无法在时间量结束前完成预定的任务项目,那么也可以抢占性地进入休眠。
The added momentum of being able to examine the behavior of your code and debug it preemptively is undeniably high-speed. 您能够检查代码的行为,并预先对它进行调试,这种动力无疑是巨大的。
Even mainstream economists, who've never met a fiscal stimulus they didn't like, agree that central banks must act preemptively with regard to inflation. 就连那些一向对经济刺激方案拍手叫好的主流经济学家们,也认为联储必须对未来通胀采取先发制人的策略。
Paul Krugman is leading the charge yet again, and he's preemptively responding to a number of arguments against action on China& but not mine. 保罗•克鲁曼再次主导这场口水战,他先发制人的回应了一些反对对中国采取措施的论据,但是却没有驳回我的观点。
The newspaper also criticized Germany and the Netherlands for having "preemptively kowtowed to beijing" by ruling out the possibility of building diesel-powered submarines for the ROC navy. 那一份报纸也指责德国和荷兰“对北京预先采取的行动卑躬屈膝”,因为德国和荷兰已经使得为roc海军建造柴油动力的潜水艇成为不可能的事。
The book, the King's Torah, says non-Jews including babies could be preemptively killed if they are deemed to pose a threat to Israel. 这本名为King'sTorah的书籍称,包括婴儿在内的非犹太人如果对以色列造成威胁,犹太人应该先发制人,将他们杀死。
NASA will attempt to grab the media stage, preemptively explaining what occurred. NASA将企图霸占媒体的舞台,先发制人地解释发生了什么。