Often, the target is created when the consolidation pattern is first applied so that no access controls preexist and possibly need to be defined. 通常在首次应用整合模式时创建目标,这样不存在任何访问控制,所以可能需要对其进行定义。
But the thought is always prior to the fact; all the facts of history preexist in the mind as laws. 但思想始终先于事实而存在,所有的历史事实都以法则的方式预先存在于心灵中。
Main parts of aesthetics as beauty and loftiness, ugliness and absurdness don't preexist alone but are formed at the same time with aesthetic activities. 优美与崇高、丑与荒诞等审美主体都不是先在地独立存在的,而是在审美活动中同时现实地生成的。
The effects of relative compression height and preexist strain on strengthening efficiency are studied. 研究了加固后截面相对受压区高度以及恒载初应变对外贴FRP加固RC、PC受弯构件加固效率的影响。