An Account of Two Prefaces about National Lanzhou University by GU Jie-gang 顾颉刚关于国立兰州大学的两篇序记述略
This book consisting of19 parts, 17 prefaces and23 commentaries synergizes the efforts of numerous groups across the globe in the ongoing debates on theory development in mathematics education. 这本书有19个部分,17个引言和23个评论组成,综合了全球众多研究团体在数学教育理论发展争论中所作的工作。
Jame's prefaces are always important. 詹姆斯小说的前言总是重要的。
Prefaces& postscripts of ci collections are another kind of important literature morphology in ci study criticism. 词籍序跋是词学批评的另一种主要文献形态。
The main body of a book is allotted together for6 chapters, 1st chapter prefaces, is owes a book selected topic significance, necessity, research method and the writing basic line; 本文同开为6章,第1章后曲言,概述选题的背景、意义、研讨方式及写做的基本念道;
Ji Xianlin and Chinese Comparative Literature From 8 Prefaces 从八篇序言管窥季羡林与中国比较文学
A Comparative Study of Hedges in Linguistic Book Prefaces between Chinese and English an Adaptation Theory Approach 中英文语言学专著前言中模糊限制语对比研究&顺应论视角
For all further information concerning the technical particulars of this work I refer the reader to the prefaces of Marx and Engels. 欲深入了解这部著作的技术性细节,我建议读者参考马克思和恩格斯的前言。
Five types of the relationship in the field of the higher education& Based on the prefaces and postscripts written by Pan Mao-yuan 高等教育视野中的五类关系&基于潘懋元先生序跋的解读
The prefaces focus on the methods of the research of the instruction of the crown prince and its meaning. 前言主要说明研究太子教育的方法和意义。
Second-guessing* I don't have time for prefaces. 我现在没时间听你首先要说什么。
A block away from the library I opened one of the books and read a title: A book of Prefaces. 站错位,离开了基本位置距离图书馆一个街区了,我打开其中一本书,读一个标题:一本书的序言。
Long titles, prefaces, and self-authored notes are often used to supplement the poems; 形式上以长题、诗序、自注作为对诗歌的补充;
The Relationship of Henry James's Prefaces to the Texts 论亨利·詹姆斯序言与文本的关系
Chapter two discovers the connotation and the unceasingly developing history of several poetic aesthetic categories such as vigor of style, rhythm and fusion of setting and feeling reflected in the prefaces and postscripts. 第二章揭示了序跋中反映出风骨、声律和声调、兴象几个诗学美学范畴的内涵和不断演进的历史;
The prefaces and epilogues of the Ci collections are very important forms of our Ci theory criticism. 词籍序跋是我国词学理论批评的一种十分重要的形式。
The first part studies the Fu Prefaces 'style feature and function in structure. 上编论赋序的体式特征及其结构功能。
Prefaces and Postscripts to Translated Works and Translation Studies 译作序言跋语与翻译研究
However, our pragmatic approach focuses on linguistic politeness due to its opulence in Chinese prefaces to academic works. 汉语学术著作序言中的礼貌现象俯拾皆是,因此文中对序言的语用考察主要集中在对其中礼貌现象的梳理和诠释上。
Therefore, we will study the Prefaces and Postscripts novels the first to study the author, such talents prefaces and postscripts a better understanding of fiction motive and the songwriter. 因此,我们研究志怪小说序跋思想首先要研究序跋作者,这样才能更好地理解小说创作者动机和小说主题。
Prefaces and postscript text is an important style of the ancient Chinese prose. 序跋文是中国古代散文的重要文体之一。
Poem Prefaces is mainly narrative, but its lyric quality is quite prominent as well. 诗序是以叙述为主的,但其抒情性也相当突出。
Waley knew quite well of ancient Chinese novels and wrote prefaces to the English translations of several Chinese novels. 他对中国古代小说及小说史也甚为通晓,曾多次为他人的英译中国小说作序。
Dongpo was the first Ci poet that used a large-scale prefaces and did it very well. 东坡是最早大规模使用题序并取得了良好效果的词人。
Poem Prefaces related to religion is another big kind of Poem Prefaces in the Tang Dynasty. 与宗教有关的诗序是唐代诗序的又一大类。
This paper takes prefaces to books as the study subject. 本论文将以书目序言作为研究对象。
Similarly, Poem Prefaces also take the responsibility of expounding the scholars 'literary thoughts. 与此相类,诗序也承担了相应的阐述文人文学观念的职责。