Number of pages prefetched into the buffer pool, but never read 预抓取到缓冲池,但从未读取的页面数量
You can view only one card at a time, so the rest of the cards are effectively prefetched. 因为一次只能查看一个页面,这样就可以有效地提前获取其余的页面。
With this approach, however, we still advice against general prefetching if it is not known what prefetched data is actually needed in subsequent requests. 不过,使用此方法时,如果知道在后续请求中将要实际需要哪些预提取数据,我们仍然建议使用普通的预提取功能。
The sampled pages are also prefetched, so this method would be faster than row-level Bernoulli sampling. 抽样页也是预取的,所以该方法将比行级贝努里(Bernoulli)抽样更快。
When the map is dragged, the prefetched data comes into view with no refresh latency. 当地图在改变的时候,更新的数据来自于没有刷新时间的视图。
, the other is determining which Web objects will be prefetched and how many Web objects can be prefetched on the basis of the current state of system. 二是根据系统状态决定实际预取哪些Web对象、具体预取多少Web对象。
If the session which user visited currently matched one of the Markov chains, the next URL of this Markov chains in TOP-N would be prefetched in local cache. 如果用户当前的访问会话与Markov链匹配,该Markov的下一URL在TopN中,就把它取到本地缓存。
By computing the average weighted semantic distance of texts in the hyperlinks, Web pages that a user may visit in the future are prefetched. 通过计算机链接描述文字的平均带权语义距离,预取用户将来可能访问的Web页。