The row ID scan ( RIDSCN) operator then scans these row IDs, triggers row prefetching, and passes the row IDs to the FETCH operator. 然后行ID扫描(RIDSCN)操作符将扫描这些行,触发行预取,并将行ID传递到FETCH操作符。
The workload is reading and writing single rows, so it cannot take advantage of prefetching. 工作负载读写单行,因此它无法利用预取。
Performing this task manually is called prefetching. 手工执行这个任务称为预抓取。
Fetching each instruction involves a certain latency that can be avoided by prefetching instructions and storing them for later execution. 在获取每条指令期间会出现某种延迟,可以通过预取指令并对其进行存储以用于后续的执行,从而避免延迟。
For systems with applications that access large files, reuse data, benefit from GPFS prefetching of data, or have a random I/ O pattern, increasing the value for pagepool might prove beneficial. 如果系统中的应用程序可以访问大型文件、重用数据、可以从GPFS数据预取获益或具有随机I/O模式,增加pagepool的值可能会进一步获益。
No more than this number of I/ Os for prefetching and utilities can be in progress for a database at any time. 超过这个数量的预取和实用程序I/O在任何时候都不能在数据库中运行。
If prefetching is an important factor in a table space, consider setting aside part of the buffer for block-based I/ O. 如果预取操作是表空间中的重要因素,那么请考虑留出一部分缓冲区用于基于块的I/O。
With this approach, however, we still advice against general prefetching if it is not known what prefetched data is actually needed in subsequent requests. 不过,使用此方法时,如果知道在后续请求中将要实际需要哪些预提取数据,我们仍然建议使用普通的预提取功能。
First, change the loadCities method so that it won't always show on screen whatever data it has loaded: When prefetching, you don't display anything. 首先,修改loadCities方法,让它不要总是一装载数据就马上显示在屏幕上:在预抓取时,不显示任何数据。
Prefetching is used extensively by the Linux kernel. Linux内核经常使用预抓取。
The prefetching activity can be validated by the amount of asynchronous versus synchronous read I/ O. 预取活动可以通过异步和同步的读I/O来确认。
PREFETCHSIZE specifies the number of pages to be read from the table space when data prefetching is being performed. PREFETCHSIZE指定在执行数据预取时将从表空间读取的页数。
Prefetching is used when the Database Manager determines that sequential I/ O is appropriate and that prefetching can help to improve performance ( typically large table scans). 当数据库管理器确定顺序I/O是适当的,并且确定预取操作可能有助于提高性能时,会使用预取操作(通常是大型表扫描)。
An active write-back method and a data prefetching strategy are then presented to manage the random I/ O process orderly and to improve the random I/ O performance. 同时,提出了主动写回以及读预取方法,将磁带库的随机读写操作顺序化,以改善系统随机读写性能。
Stride and Pointer Based Prefetching in Chip Multiprocessor 片上多处理器中基于步长和指针的预取
In this paper, this algorithm was based on the data update rate and it increased the size of the selected data to determine and sort, then made the choice of the prefetching data. 在此算法的基础上增加对数据更新率及大小的判断并对所选数据排序,然后进行预取数据的选择。
A Stream Checking and Prefetching Algorithm Based on Page Level Stream Buffer Architecture 一种基于页面级流缓存结构的流检测和预取算法
It describes in structure and principle of ABWC and discusses transparency, consistency, replacement algorithm, prefetching policy and other main problems which need to be solved in cache designing. 描述该框架的组成结构与工作原理,对缓存设计时需要解决的透明性、一致性、替换算法和预取策略等主要问题进行讨论并给出性能测试和分析。
Research on the Instruction Prefetching Technology for the Synchronous Data Triggered Architecture 复位置位同步触发器同步数据触发体系结构中指令预取技术研究
To realize the technology, the active prefetching algorithm for streaming media based on relevance between resources was adopted to obtain advertisement resources. 该技术采用基于资源相关性的流媒体主动预取算法获取广告资源,应用动态共享内存池技术来存储和播放广告。
A Study of the Object-Based Limited Cache Prefetching Strategy in Proxy Servers 代理服务器中基于对象的限定预取策略研究
Data Prefetching Optimization Research in Dynamic Binary Translation Based Loongson Virtual Machine 基于动态二进制翻译的龙芯虚拟机中数据预取优化研究
The thesis analyses some prediction strategies and gives out a general Ajax based web application prefetching implementation. 本文介绍了几种预测策略,包括简单预测、基于马尔科夫模型的预测和定性分析预测。并基于AJAX技术提出了Web应用程序的通用预取实现方案。
Caching and prefetching can be used to improve the response time of network access. 缓存技术和推测预取技术可用于提高网络访问响应速度。
Research of Proxy Caching and Prefetching for Streaming Media 流媒体代理缓存和预取方法的研究
Up to now, the best method to solve the above problems is data prefetching. 从目前的研究成果来看,解决上述问题的最佳手段是对数据进行预取。
Besides, caching and prefetching technology is integrated in Client to improve system performance. 另外,为了提高系能,系统在客户端使用了缓存和预抓取技术。
Ant colony algorithm has been applied on solving data prefetching, and has achieved some effect. 蚁群算法在解决数据的预取方面已有应用,并取得了一定的效果。
This thesis analyses and researches in depth on the cache replacement strategy, cache consistency technology and prefetching technology. 本文从缓存替换策略、一致性技术和预取技术等方面对代理缓存进行了深入的分析和研究并在此基础上着重对预取技术进行了研究和改进。
However, the existing methods focus on intra-object prefetching, this will limit the prefetching capability among objects. 然而,现有的预取方法集中于对象内的预取,这限制了对象存储控制器在多个对象间进行预取的能力。