This conflict also represent the transformation from the Postfigurative Culture to the Cofigurative Culture and the Prefigurative Culture. 后者则是要追求至高的善,以建成一个现代合理性的社会。这种冲突也代表着一种文化典范的转换以及传统的后喻文化传递方式向并喻、前喻文化传递方式的转型。
Postfigurative Culture, Cofigurative Culture and Prefigurative Culture are the three models of culture communication proposed by Magaret Mead. 前喻文化、并喻文化和后喻文化是教育人类学家米德(M.Mead)提出的文化传递过程的三种模式。
In the end, the thesis proposed the computation formula for the festival section construction prefigurative deviation. This formula is clear conceptually and easy to operate. It has the practical reference values to the similar bridge construction in a way. 文章最后还提出了施工控制的预拱度计算的公式,该公式概念清楚,操作使用方便,对同类桥梁施工具有一定的实用参考价值。
In this thesis, we have analyzed the creep of concrete effect on prefigurative deviation in construct the festival section, and have produced the formula for it. 文中分析了混凝土徐变作用对悬臂浇筑节段预拱度的影响,并给出徐变作用影响下的预拱度计算公式。