An optimum scheme was proposed to solve the problems of the process of distillation for butanol-acetone, such as high heat duty and low separating efficiency of prefractionator. 针对丙酮&丁醇精馏工艺过程中醪塔分离性能差和能耗高的问题,提出了优化方案,增加了醪塔塔高,添加一个侧线采出位置。
Recovery of Light Hydrocarbons by Operating Prefractionator at Elevated Pressure 初馏塔提压操作回收轻烃
Design schemes for prefractionator pressurizing, flash column atmospheric distillation, atmospheric column pressurizing and atmospheric distillation have been compared and analyzed taking a large scale crude oil process engineering project as example, and the design scheme of atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit has been finally determined. 以某大型原油处理工程项目为例,对初馏塔加压方案、闪蒸塔常压方案、常压塔加压方案和常压方案进行了对比分析,最终确定常减压蒸馏装置设计方案。
It is concluded that the prefractionator scheme is more reasonable and economical. 进口原油种类多变,又要求装置操作有大的灵活性,采用初馏塔方案是较合理和经济的。
The whole work is described as follow: First, Pro/ II with Provision was harnessed as the process simulation engine. Sequential modular was applied on flash column, prefractionator, atmospheric column and vacuum column for steady state simulation. 主要研究工作如下:第一,以PRO/Ⅱ作为流程模拟工作的工具,应用序贯模块法对三套常减压装置的闪蒸塔、初馏塔、常压塔与减压塔分别进行了稳态模拟。