The premieres of his plays brought in glowing reviews. 他首演的几部戏都获得了如潮好评。
The new season of Glee premieres on Thursday, Sept. 13 at 9/ 8c on Fox. 新一季的《欢乐合唱团》将会在美国时间9月13日FOX电视网首播。
On The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 11, I Ain't A Judas ( premieres Sunday, February 24), Carl tells Rick he should stop being the leader. 行尸走肉第三季第11集《我不是犹大》(2月24日周日播出),卡尔告诉瑞克不要当领袖了。
The Season 3 finale of Sherlock, His Final Vow, airs on Sunday, Jan. 12 in the UK, while the third season premieres in the US on Sunday, Jan. 19 on PBS. 《神探夏洛克》第三季结局集《他最后的誓言》将会在英国时间1月12日播出,而《神探夏洛克》第三季会在1月19日在美国PBS播出。
Robert also linked up with Ashley Greene for a couple of early premieres in Europe last week. 上周,罗伯特还与阿什丽·格林尼一起出席了在欧洲的先行首映。
Season four of The Vampire Diaries premieres Oct. 11. 《吸血鬼日记》第四季将于10月11日正式回归。
The Tomorrow People premieres Wednesday, Oct. 9 on The CW. 《未来青年》将会在10月9日晚在CW电视台首播。
The fourth season of GG, which premieres this fall, begins in Paris as Serena and Blair enjoy the summer across the pond. 而我们惦念已久的《绯闻女孩》第四季将以S和B横跨大西洋度过一个巴黎夏天为起点,于秋季首映。
The effort included premieres in London, Madrid, Rome and Berlin that took place before ones in Los Angeles and New York. 协调的工作包括在伦敦、马德里、罗马和柏林举行的首映式。这些城市的首映式先于洛杉矶和纽约。
While Leo showed up solo for the premieres of The Wolf of Wall Street in Paris and NYC recently, we'll have to wait to see if Toni accompanies her man when he hits the red carpet for the Golden Globes in a couple weeks. 《华尔街之狼》在巴黎和纽约的首映式,莱昂纳多都是单独出席。看来我们想看到这对情侣公开亮相,得等到金球奖的红地毯了。
The fall season, with its organized and heavily publicized broadcast-network premieres, still gets the attention, but a greater number of interesting shows now arrive on cable, broadcast and online in the first quarter of the year. 今年秋天有许多首播电视剧做了有组织的盛大宣传,获得不少关注,但更多有趣的剧集还是在一年中的前三个月中登陆有线台、无线台和网络。
Natalie: Well, Feifei* you know that all these premieres have after-parties. 嗯,菲菲。你知道的这些首映式结束后会有庆功晚会。
We'll soon know how it plays as the film premieres tonight, but until then, here are some new images from the movie. 今天的首映之后,我们就能知道电影到底如何,不过在此之前,这里有几张电影的最新发布剧照可以一睹为快。
Many got their premieres at Venice last year. 它们之中很多都是去年在威尼斯首映的。
The film Casablanca premieres at the Hollywood Theater in New York City. 1942年,电影卡萨布拉卡的首映式在纽约城的好莱坞剧场举行。
Yet even some of these-such as pro football and TV premieres& have become popular. 但有些缺陷也变得受人欢迎了,比如职业足球赛和电视节目首映。
The demo fleet in South Korea will consist of Chevrolet Cruzes and GM Daewoo Lacetti Premieres. 在韩国中的演示团队将包括t雪福兰科鲁兹和通用汽车公司大宇拉塞蒂。
Weddings and movie premieres and expensive company spectacles have been postponed. 婚礼、电影首映式、眼镜奢侈品公司的活动都被推迟了。
Seeing a Verdi opera here would be most magical of all, considering that many of Verdis most famous works including Otello and Falstaff received their premieres at La Scala. 威尔第很多有名的作品像《奥赛罗》和《福斯塔夫》都是在斯卡拉首次成功公演,在这里观看他的歌剧更是令人心驰神往。
If you find yourself wearing black tie more than once a year, or if film premieres, opera visits or smart restaurant bookings keep appearing in your diary, your day watch may lack occasion. 如果你一年中不止一次地佩戴黑领带,或者是日程中不断出现观看电影首映式、听歌剧或上高档餐馆之类的活动,那么你的日常手表或许就显得不合时宜。
There will be world premieres for several films with a distinctly local flavor, including director Ivy Ho's opening-night romantic comedy'Crossing Hennessy,'starring Jacky Cheung and Tang Wei. 有几部具有明显地域风情的电影将首次进行全球公映,包括开幕式之夜将上演的岸西执导的浪漫喜剧《月满轩尼诗》,由张学友及汤唯主演。
Why is she the only one with a bodyguard at premieres? 为什么她是初次公演上唯一带有保镖的人?
He has attended movie premieres of "Shrek" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" and successfully navigated LA's complicated highway system. 他已经参加了电影《史瑞克》和《加勒比海盗》的初次公演,并成功地通过了复杂的公路系统。
He can vividly recall attending the premieres for the early films, admitting he had no idea quite how popular they would become. 他还能清楚地记起更早那几部电影首映式的情形,他承认那时候他根本不知道他们会变得多受欢迎。
One of the top film premieres this year was the highly anticipated Elvis and Anabelle starring Blake Lively and Max Minghella. 一个最电影的首映式今年备受期待猫王主演的布莱克和Anabelle充满活力的和最高明格拉。
The programmes will be available for download over a broadband internet connection following their network premieres. 这些节目在电视网首播后,将可通过宽带互联网下载。