Study on Effect of Prepolymer on the Performance of UV Curing Adhesive 预聚物对UV固化胶黏剂性能的研究
Research on Synthesis of PU Prepolymer and Properties of As-modified UPR PU预聚体合成及其改性UPR性能研究
Prolong the using time of PET prepolymer filter element 延长PET预聚物过滤器滤芯使用时间
FT-IR was employed to characterize oligomers and prepolymer. 采用了红外光借(IR)对低聚物和预聚体进行了表征;
Low free TDI prepolymer 低游离TDI预聚体
Simultaneous RP-HPLC Determination of Lactic Acid and Methyl Lactate Content Test of Isocyanate Group in Polyurethane Prepolymer 反相HPLC同时检测乳酸及乳酸甲酯含量
The Producing Method of PU Prepolymer with Low Residual TDI Monomer 低残余TDI单体的PU预聚体的制备方法概述
Synthesis and characterization of UV curable ketone-aldehyde prepolymer 可UV固化酮醛预聚物的合成与表征
Hexamethylene diisocyanate ( HMDI) may be used in prepolymer, in place of TDI. 六亚甲基二异氰酸酯(HMDI)可用在预聚物中代替甲苯二异氰酸酯〔tdi〕。
The use of isocyanate terminated prepolymer can enhance the mechanical properties of NEPE propellant and improve its elongation rate obviously. 端异氰酸酯预聚物能改善推进剂的力学性能,尤其是对提高最大延伸率有明显作用;
Preparation and Properties of Soya Bean Oil Based Polyurethane Prepolymer 大豆油基聚氨酯预聚体的制备及其性能研究
Research on synthesis and reaction kinetics of polyurethane methacrylate prepolymer 聚氨酯甲基丙烯酸酯预聚物合成及反应动力学研究
Study on the synthesis and property of the prepolymer of acrylic acid rosin and 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether 丙烯酸松香环氧树脂预聚体的合成与性能研究
One of applications of rosin in PU paint is rosin ester resin modified polyisocyanate prepolymer. 松香酯树脂改性多异氰酸酯预聚物是松香在PU涂料中应用的一个途径。
The research progress of photosensitive prepolymer in the UV system in recent years was introduced, and the development trends of UV-curing paint were discussed. 介绍了近年来紫外光固化体系中光敏预聚体的研究进展,以及UV固化涂料的发展动态。
Study on synthesis of waterborne UV-curable PUA prepolymer and preparation of PUA emulsion 水性光固化聚氨酯丙烯酸酯预聚体的合成及乳液的制备研究
The effects of prepolymer, active diluent and photosensitize on coating modification was discussed. Determination of Conductivity of Surfactant Activity Coefficients of Dilute Aqueous Solutions 在预聚物、性稀释剂和光敏剂等方面讨论了该涂料的改性。电导法测定表面活性剂稀溶液的活度系数
During the micro-encapsulated process, the prepolymer condensed to form UF particles in the aqueous solution, then the particles aggregated and deposited at the surface of internal phase. 在微囊化过程中,预聚体首先发生缩聚生成树脂微粒,然后进一步在囊芯周围沉积形成微胶囊;
Study on Separation of Residual TDI from TDI-TMP Prepolymer by Thin Film Evaporator 薄膜蒸发器分离聚氨酯固化剂中游离TDI的研究
Synthesis and Properties of the Prepolymer from Acrylic Acid Rosin and Ethylene Diglycidyl Ether 丙烯酸松香与乙二醇二缩水甘油醚预聚体的合成和性能研究
The title aqueous acrylate modified polyurethane dispersion has been prepared with acrylate and aqueous polyurethane prepolymer that is blocked with hydroxyethyl methacrylate. 用甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯封端的水性聚氨酯预聚体与丙烯酸酯发生聚合,制备丙烯酸酯改性水性聚氨酯分散体。
Study on PTC process to synthesize allyl resinate Study on the synthesis and property of the prepolymer of acrylic acid rosin and 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether 相转移催化法合成松香树脂酸烯丙酯工艺丙烯酸松香环氧树脂预聚体的合成与性能研究
Content Test of Isocyanate Group in Polyurethane Prepolymer 端异氰酸酯基聚氨酯预聚体的合成与表征聚氨酯预聚体中异氰酸酯基团含量的测定
When termination occurs partly by disproportionation, the prepolymer chains in the product carry branches as well as cross-links. 当终止反应一部分是由歧化所起时,则在产物中预聚物链不但带有交联也带有支链。
Preparation of UV Hyperbranched Prepolymer and Application for Functional Coatings UV超支化预聚物制备及功能涂料应用研究
The effect of the amounts of curing agent and prepolymer on the properties of cured epoxy resins were investigated. 本文研究了固化剂和预聚物用量对环氧树脂性能的影响。
In NCO prepolymer synthesis the most important conclusion of this model study is confirmed. 模型研究的最重要结论在NCO预聚物的合成中得到了肯定。
Polyurethane modified epoxy acrylate resin grouting material was prepared by reaction of polyurethane prepolymer and epoxy acrylate resin. 通过聚氨酯预聚体和环氧丙烯酸酯反应,制备了一种改性环氧丙烯酸酯灌浆材料。
Different emulsifier types and prepolymer dropping rate on impact of microcapsules morphology were investigated in experiments. 研究了不同乳化剂种类和预聚体滴加速率对微胶囊形貌的影响。
Using the anhydride groups in the prepolymer, we synthesized a waterborne acrylic modified alkyd resin by esterification. 利用该预聚体结构中的酸酐键参与酯化合成了丙烯酸酯改性的水性醇酸树脂。