After prepping the boat, they sailed it down to Carloforte. 备好船后,他们就驶向了南边的卡洛福泰。
VERB 为(患者)做手术准备 If a doctor or nurse preps a patient, they get them ready for surgery or another procedure.
I was already prepped for surgery so I went straight into theatre. 我已经做好了接受外科手术的准备,于是就直接进入了手术室。
N-UNCOUNT (英国一些私立学校的)家庭作业 In some British private schools, prep is the name given to school work that children do in the evening after school has finished.
Anne struggled to help Peter and Zara with their prep. 安妮努力帮助彼得和扎拉完成他们的家庭作业。
I was already prepped for surgery so I went straight into theatre. 我已经做好了接受外科手术的准备,于是就直接进入了手术室。
Investors will likely talk to dozens of potential customers, starting with your reference list ( undoubtedly well prepped). 投资者会从创业者(精心准备)的参考名单开始,可能会和几十家潜在客户对话。
It never registered for an IPO, let alone prepped a roadshow or a formal offering date. 该公司没有做首次公开募股登记,更别说大肆宣传或宣布上市日期。
That way, if there actually is a delay, you're already mentally prepped and well fed. 这样的话,如果飞机真的误点,你已经有了心理准备也能把自己喂饱。
It can be the sound of your digestive juices churning and stomach muscles contracting as they get prepped for food. 这是你胃液翻转的声音,胃部肌肉仍像消化食物一般蠕动时发出声音。
Every single part of every single TV program is designed to keep you in front of the TV and prepped to buy the advertised products through traditional advertising or product placements. 每一档电视节目的每一个环节都是为了让你驻留在电视机前,准备通过传统的广告方式或植入式广告让你购买广告中的产品。
Like the city itself, they're getting prepped for the spotlight& again. 和雅典城一样,它们已经准备好了再次走到聚光灯下。
I'll need an interrogation room prepped. 我需要你帮我准备好一间审讯室。
Mr president, we have to get you dressed and prepped. 总统先生,请您赶紧更衣准备。
But I had a special V-Day meal all prepped, and I insisted on going home. 但是我已经准备了一次特别的情人节大餐,因此我坚持回家的想法。
I want him prepped and ready in the VIP room when I get back. 等我回去的时候希望看到他已经放在实验室了。
At the Company headquarters, Michael is prepped for surgery. 在“公司”总部,雇员们在为迈克尔做着手术前的准备。
There's a helicopter already being prepped. 有一台直升机已经在待命。
At the military school where he prepped for Princeton, and played a very good end on the football team, no one had made him race-conscious. 为了进普林斯顿大学,他在军事学校补习过,是该校橄榄球队里非常出色的边锋,在那里,没人使他意识到自己的种族问题。
After the insertion side has been chosen, the area is shaved and prepped in a sterile fashion, usually with the bated iodine solution. 在选择了插入端后,以无菌的方式剃以及备皮该区域,通常使用碘伏。
He scouted and prepped each crime scene. 他侦察和准备每个犯罪现场。
Yeah, the coroner's assistant who prepped her body. 有啊,验尸官助手在准备解剖前。
Plan your three tasks the night before, so you're prepped for the day when you wake up. 在前一天晚上就安排好你的三项任务好让你一醒来就已为当天做好准备。
I had Sloan all prepped to let me scrub in. 我已经对sloan做足功夫让我上台了。
Was the fork and frame prepped and to what extent? The fork looks like it has not been faced at the crown. 前叉及车架是按照什么安装的?前叉看起来还没有完全“面贴”叉顶。
The nurse prepped the patient for surgery. 护士帮病人作好做外科手术的准备。
That you're both fully prepped on the guest list. 你们两个都把客人名单烂熟于心了。