After prepping the boat, they sailed it down to Carloforte. 备好船后,他们就驶向了南边的卡洛福泰。
VERB 为(患者)做手术准备 If a doctor or nurse preps a patient, they get them ready for surgery or another procedure.
I was already prepped for surgery so I went straight into theatre. 我已经做好了接受外科手术的准备,于是就直接进入了手术室。
N-UNCOUNT (英国一些私立学校的)家庭作业 In some British private schools, prep is the name given to school work that children do in the evening after school has finished.
Anne struggled to help Peter and Zara with their prep. 安妮努力帮助彼得和扎拉完成他们的家庭作业。
After prepping the boat, they sailed it down to Carloforte. 备好船后,他们就驶向了南边的卡洛福泰。
Worth noting that none of these companies are rumored to be prepping a rival bid to silver lake. 值得一提的是,据传言,上述公司没有一家准备提出与银湖相竞争的收购要约。
In prepping for his deep-sea dive, Cameron did a test run of sorts at the New Britain trench, in the Solomon Islands of Papua New Guinea. 为了做好深海下潜的准备,卡梅隆在巴布亚新几内亚的所罗门群岛新不列颠海沟进行了海试。
More fundamentally, the results underscore the importance of not prepping for exercise by stretching, he said. 从根本上讲,研究结果强调了不要在锻炼前进行拉伸类准备活动的重要性。
Home improvement retailers Home Depot Inc. and Lowe's Cos. began prepping for the aftermath of the storm, sending truckloads of generators, water and batteries into warehouses and stores along the Eastern Seaboard. 家庭装修零售商家得宝(HomeDepotInc.)和劳氏(Lowe'sCos.)已经开始把大批的发电机、饮用水和电池运往东部沿海地区的仓库和商店,为飓风可能造成的后果做好准备。
It may help with the drainage to put a low layer of gravel in the bottom, Ms. Millard said, prepping the planter. 在底部铺上薄薄一层碎石,可以帮助排水,米勒德说,她正准备播种。
The automaker is currently prepping plant sites in as many as three states for production of its lower-cost lithium-ion cells that will power its cars and, eventually, homes. 这家汽车制造商正准备在美国三个州建设厂区,用以生产成本更低的锂离子电池。这种电池将为特斯拉电动车提供动力,最终也将为住宅供电。
Take a few deep breaths and focus on calming your thoughts, and you're ready for a relaxing evening, prepping you for a productive workday tomorrow. 做几次深呼吸,把注意力集中在平静你的思想上,你就已经为放松的晚上和第二天高效的工作做好了准备。
And when does it start prepping? 那什么时候开始做准备?
We'll split staff, have teams prepping both ways. 把人分一半,两种可能都准备一下。
The Russians are prepping a tactical air strike of sevogda. 俄罗斯人正在准备一次对塞瓦郭答的战术空袭。
Don't you think you should be prepping for it? 难道你不认为自己该准备一下吗?
You might think that getting the weekly reports finished on time is very important, while your co-worker emphasizes prepping for a presentation. 你也许认为准时完成周报表很重要,而你的同事重点放在准备一次演讲上。
In addition to the Alexa in the Mustang, the crew was prepping a number of other cameras to ensure the crash would not require more than one take; 除了一台野马车上的Alexa摄影机之外,剧组为了保证翻车戏不用重拍,也在其他位置配备了一定数量的摄影机;
If you have the vision to start prepping now, you could be flying starships, reading minds, or designing organs. 如果你够有远见,现在就着手预备,那你就有可能成为未来的飞船驾驶员、测心专家或器官设计师。
That's one entire income going to prepping your child to be a star. 要让自己的孩子成为明星,那就得花去一个人一年的全部收入。
They complain that the meetings are farcical a waste of money, time and effort, what with all that prepping of directors on the answers to tough questions that no one turns up to ask. 它们抱怨说,这些会议可笑得很不过是浪费金钱、时间和精力,董事们为种种可能的拷问做好了准备工作,却无人到场提问。
They're prepping to get rid of the diseased bone. 他们准备好摘掉坏骨头了。
When making the initial access hole, begin by shaving, prepping and draping the patient. 在创建最初的入路通道时,一开始为病人剃、备皮以及覆盖头部。
They're prepping him for surgery. 他们正准备给他动手术。
A sliding counter-top surface hides prepping sinks when closed, maximizing space and creating an area for either food prepping ( sink open) or an entertaining area ( sink closed). 滑动反顶面牛皮准备汇收盘时,最大限度地发挥空间和创造的一个领域或者食品准备(汇打开)或娱乐区(下沉关闭)。
Is prepping for the stuff we're gonna be shooting in Europe later on. 准备我地迟些要在欧洲拍的东西。
Prepping the chopper. I'll see you on the surface. 准备直升机,我们在水面上见。
I hope you're not prepping me for bad news. 你不是在提醒我做好心理准备听坏消息吧。
We're prepping for tomorrow night's debate. 我们在练习明晚的辩论。
You should spend at least two hours prepping before coming to class. 去上课之前,你至少要花上两个小时做准备。
It's where I do my morning Yoga and munch my cereal prepping for the daily surf. 这是我清晨做瑜珈的地方,是我咀嚼谷类早餐的地方,是我迎接新的一天的地方。