For example, if there is a path in the file like/ home/ linux and the file is preprocessed using cpp, the path in the output file will look like/ home/ 1. 例如,如果文件中有一个/home/linux路径,而且使用cpp来对此文件进行预处理,则输出文件中的路径将是/home/1。
The raw data, then, must be preprocessed in some way to be of any value. 因此,必须以某种方式对原始数据进行处理,以实现其价值。
While recompiling, if ccache detects no changes in the preprocessed source and compiler options, it retrieves its cached copy of the previously compiled output. 在重新编译时,如果ccache未在预处理源代码和编译器选项中检测到任何更改,它就检索以前编译输出的缓存副本。
Note: The only way to see that the files are being instrumented is that each file gets "compiled" twice by "cl"( first the file is preprocessed, and then the instrumented file is compiled). 注意:看到文件处在测试中的唯一途径是将每个文件由“cl”“编译”两次(第一次将文件预处理,然后将测试文件编译)。
It works by creating a hash from the preprocessed sources and the compiler options used to compile the sources. 它的工作方式是:从预处理源代码和用于编译源代码的编译器选项创建一个哈希表。
From the client machine, distcc sends the preprocessed code to the server machines. 在客户端机器上,distcc将预处理代码发送给服务器机器。
A run time step, in which the JPA database calls are redirected to the pureQuery Runtime and to the appropriate DB2 package that contains the preprocessed SQL statements. 一个运行时步骤,其中将把JPA数据库调用重定向到pureQuery运行时,以及重定向到包含预处理SQL语句的相应DB2包。
Modify the generate preprocessed file property. 修改“生成预处理文件”属性。
METHODS: 1 The multi-channel MEG data were preprocessed, such as lowpass filtering and principal component decomposing. 受试者自愿参加。方法:①对脑磁图进行必要的预处理,如低通滤波和主成分分解。
These directives renumber the lines of the preprocessed file. 这些指令将预处理文件中的行重新编号。
Considering the problems above, we preprocessed the image at first, then extracted the features of characters. 针对以上情况,首先对图像进行了前期预处理,并对字符特征进行了提取;
The signals of the cameras are preprocessed in hardware and can be fed at rate of30 or60 frames per second into a computer. 摄像机的信号在硬盘中进行预处理,并以30或60帧每秒的速度反馈到计算机。
Of the defects detection system of the shell of crystal oscillator, obtaining high quality preprocessed image is prerequisite to correctly verify the defects. 在晶振外壳缺陷检测系统中,正确识别缺陷的前提条件是得到高质量的预处理图像。
Adsorption Treatment of Coking Effluent by Preprocessed Coke Powder 预处理焦粉对焦化厂生化废水的吸附处理试验
The specified key is preprocessed and only sent to the control if it is not consumed by the preprocessing phase. 则指定的键需要预处理,且仅当预处理阶段不使用时,才能发送到控件。
In this paper, firstly, the image of pilling was preprocessed by image analysis technique. 首先采用图像分析技术对起球织物的图像进行预处理;
Using the method, the fuzzy rules and crisp data were preprocessed and the ideal initial parameters were given. 该方法对模糊规则和观测数据进行了预处理,给出系统模型的初始结构和参数。
Firstly, the original heart sounds signal was preprocessed by mathematical morphology filter and full-wave rectification; 本文把数学形态学应用于心音包络的提取和识别的研究。首先利用形态学滤波和全波整流对原始心音进行预处理;
Raw audit data of the system or network is first preprocessed into records with a set of basic features. 系统中各代理相互协作,对系统或者网络的原始审计数据进行预处理生成包含基本特征的连接记录;
Firstly, the image was preprocessed for image enhancement and smoothness. 通过对人脸图像进行增强与平滑等预处理,并生成清晰完整的二值化图像;
These algorithms can also be used on categorical data if the data were preprocessed. 对于分类属性数据,在进行变换后,也能用这三种聚类方法产生多隶属聚类。
Incomplete data has been preprocessed by using interpolation and extension, analysis of rationality, consistency and reliability has been done on the whole hydrologic data. 对缺测或者不全的资料进行了插补和延长,并对所有的水文资料进行了合理性、一致性和可靠性分析。
The picture is preprocessed first, such as image enhancement and the normalization of size and grayscale. 先对图像进行预处理,包括尺寸、灰度的归一化,图像增强等。
Feature extraction is to extract features benefited for recognition from the images after preprocessed. 特征提取是对预处理后的图像采用某些算法提取出有利于识别的特征。
In order to make this a more effective detection and recognition of face images, the image is preprocessed. 本文为了使人脸图像检测识别更有效,对图像进行了预处理。
Before EMG analyzing we preprocessed EMG to reduce various noise generally, which was extremely important to subsequent processing. 在对肌电信号进行分析之前,一般要对其进行预处理来消除各种噪声干扰,这对肌电信号的后续处理十分重要。
Based on fundus image preprocessed, preliminary study of image vascular segmentation is given in this paper. 基于预处理后的眼底图像,本文进行了图像血管分割的初步研究。
The multiple temporal remote sensing images data were preprocessed, including atmospheric correction and geometric correction. 先对遥感数据进行大气校正和几何校正等预处理。
Secondly, preprocessed sample data, including different date exclusion, random error processing and data normalization. 其次,对选取的样本数据进行预处理,包括异常数据剔除、随机误差处理和数据归一化。
The data set having been selected and preprocessed is divided to training set and testing set. 经过数据预处理和属性选择以后的数据被划分为训练集和测试集进入系统的核心部分。