Using one aspect of OpenMP, code is annotated with areas in which parallelism should occur using preprocessor directives. OpenMP的一种用法是,使用预处理程序指令注释其中应该发生并行的代码。
Today, PHP has come to mean PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. 现在,PHP是指:PHP超文本预处理器。
Sass is not the only CSS preprocessor on the Internet. Sass并非Internet上的惟一CSS预处理程序。
Use a source-code scanner or other preprocessor that discards input that uses questionable code constructs. 使用源代码扫描程序或其他预处理程序,删除含有可疑代码构造的输入。
On discovering these issues several years ago, my first response was to write what amounted to a front-end preprocessor for the parse ( String) method. 几年前发现这些问题的时候,我第一个反应就是为parse(String)方法编写了一个前期的预处理器。
Sass is a stylesheet language and cascading stylesheets ( CSS) preprocessor that adds traditional programming attributes to CSS development. Sass是一种样式表语言和层叠式样式表(CSS)预处理程序,它为CSS开发添加了传统编程属性。
This is because the actual source code and the variable binding can change, based on the environment or the build time definitions of macros and preprocessor commands. 这是因为实际的源代码和变量绑定可以更改,这是建立在环境或者构建宏预处理程序指令的时间定义的基础上的。
As part of the preprocessor, C automatically combines those two strings in a capability called string literal concatenation. 作为预处理程序的一部分,C会自动地使用一个名为字符串串联的功能将这两个字符串组合在一起。
The preprocessor is available for download ( see Download). 此预处理器也可以下载(参见下载)。
On the C++ tab, in the General category, add W32 as a preprocessor definition. 在C++标签上的General类目中,添加W32作为预处理器定义。
The C preprocessor allows only a fixed number of arguments to its macros. C预处理器对于自己的宏只允许使用有限数目的参数。
Source files in the linux subdirectory could have a code layout with preprocessor directives as follows linux子目录中的源文件中可能会有带有预处理程序指示符的代码形式,如下
It's the recompilation, where you are reusing previous preprocessor passes, that will make a difference. 不同之处在于重新编译时,在这个过程中您会重用先前的预处理程序。
If code needs to be platform-dependent, use the following predefined symbols in preprocessor expressions 如果需要独立于平台的代码,请在预处理程序表达式中使用下面的预定义符号
Remember, the preprocessor knows nothing about the C language and is just doing text substitutions. 记住,预处理器并不了解C语言的任何内容,它只是简单地进行文本替换。
The two most widely used textual macro systems are the C preprocessor and the M4 macro processor. 两个最广泛使用的文本宏系统是C预处理器和M4宏处理器。
Xcode needs to be configured to tell the preprocessor to search this directory when processing# include directives. 需要通过配置Xcode让预处理器在处理include指令时搜索这个目录。
For example, one model may simply be a preprocessor that produces J2EE1.4 compatible web service artifacts. 例如,一个模型可以就是产生符合J2EE1.4的Web服务构件的预处理器。
The contents of an entire OMG IDL file, along with any files brought in through preprocessor directives, form a naming scope. 整个OMGIDL内容和通过预处理器伪指令传入的所有文件共同组成了命名作用域。
New Term: The preprocessor runs before your compiler each time the compiler is invoked. 新术语:每次调用编译器时,预处理器都会在编译器之前运行。
In PL/ 1, the state in which a preprocessor variable or entry name is said to be when its value cannot replace the corresponding identifier in source program text. 在pl/1语言中,当预处理程序变量或入口名的值不能替换源程序文本中相应的标识符时的状态。
The program flow chart of automatic generating composite element topological information is also provided, and corresponding preprocessor is developed by object-oriented technique. 给出了不连续岩体复合单元拓扑信息自动生成程序系统流程图,利用面向对象技术开发了相应的前处理器。
Causes the preprocessor to process the specified header file. 此选项使预处理器处理指定的头文件。
Each time you start your compiler, the preprocessor is run. 每当你运行编译器时,预处理器就会运行。
Also, it gives us some preprocessor capabilities. 而且,它提供给我们一些程序预处理的能力。
A program that examines the source program for preprocessor statements which are then executed resulting in the alteration of the source program. 检查源程序中是否有预处理语句的一种程序。这些语句的执行导致对源程序的修改。
A.This is a directive to the preprocessor, which runs when you call your compiler. 这是给预处理器的一个指示,当你调用编译器的时候运行。
Directives to the output, at the beginning and end of each included file and around lines removed by preprocessor directives for conditional compilation. 指令添加到输出中,位于每个包含文件的开头和结尾以及被条件编译预处理器指令移除的行的周围。
Image preprocessor and controller are included in the SOPC system. SOPC系统包括控制器、图像预处理器等。
Property, the property page will not display any preprocessor definitions at the project level. 属性,则属性页将不在项目级别显示任何预处理器定义。