CPs are preprogrammed interaction patterns or protocols and are used to specify the message formats, sequencing constraints, and timing constraints that define the interaction protocol. CP是预先编制的交互模式或协议并被用来指定定义交互协议的消息格式、顺序约束和定时约束。
Like smiling, laughing is also something that is preprogrammed in all of us. 和微笑一样,大笑也是我们生来就具有的能力。
We often use a simple, low-power sensor to turn on others in response to a preprogrammed stimulus. 我们经常在事前以程式预设好刺激反应,然后使用简单、功率的感测器启动其他设备。
Using this preprogrammed understanding, it parses packets into their different segments. 利用这种预先编好程的理解,它把包解析成不同的段。
It includes long fists, short hands, full contact free fighting and preprogrammed fighting techniques and various weapons. 它包括长拳、短拳、散打、程序搏击和各种兵器。
Using preprogrammed buttons for common sequences. 普通顺序时使用可编程按钮。
Some are automated to speak preprogrammed phrases under certain conditions, but their limited intelligence does not make them the greatest conversationalists. 它们能明白一些事先预设的话,但它们有限的智能使他们无法明白较多的话。
It's funny, all this time I thought that feelings were genetically preprogrammed. 好笑的是,我还一直以为人的这些感觉是天生的。
Certain EEG patterns were also associated with certain preprogrammed robot behaviors as well. 他们还将某些特定的脑电图模式与一些预先设定的机器人行为绑定在一起。
The computer can be preprogrammed ( hard-wired) to draw macros. 计算机可按预编程序(硬线化)绘出宏指令表示的内容。
The AD7927 features eight single-ended analog inputs with a channel sequencer to allow a preprogrammed selection of channels to be converted sequentially. AD7927具有8个带通道序列器的单端模拟输入,可以通过预先编程选择通道转换顺序。
DVD video can let the viewer decide the rating, range or parental guidance, thanks to preprogrammed scene cuts on the disc itself. 由于光盘本身具有预编图幅剪辑,DVD影像能让观众决定其等级、范围或是否需要父母的指导。
After a suitable preprogrammed time interval, the microprocessor system turns itself off by placing a logic zero on Q2's gate. 适当的预编程时间间隔后,微处理器系统通过Q2的栅极被置于逻辑零而实现自我关闭。
When the INFO button is pushed, the analog or IP phone automatically dials a preprogrammed number connecting any user with an operator. 当按下INFO按钮,模拟电话或IP电话将自动拨打操作员预置过的电话。