The splitting was still observed when the prepulse alone was defocused. 在抽运预脉冲单独散焦条件下,仍然观察到这一分裂现象;
Inhibition Prepulse suppression and allowable prepulse voltage in Z-pinch experiments 预脉冲的抑制及Z-pinch实验可允许的预脉冲电压分析
Assessment for Sensory Gating Using by Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex 惊跳反射弱刺激抑制评价感觉运动门控
The prepulse inhibition reflects the neural refractory effect of brain in response to continuous stimuli. Prepulse inhibition phenomena suggest that the principle of time priority encoding and principle of time weighting encoding is followed in brain information processing. 这种抑制作用揭示了大脑对刺激进行响应的不应期效应,反映了大脑在信息处理和编码时遵循着时间优先和时间加权的编码原则。
A self similarity model of slab X ray laser using the prepulse technique 预主脉冲辐照平面靶产生X射线激光的自相似模型
A low prepulse high power density water dielectric self-breaking switch has been investigated on Flash ⅱ generator recently. 在闪光Ⅱ上进行了水介质多针自击穿开关实验研究。
Crowbar-tube switch method to remove prepulse-voltage 消除预脉冲电压的撬棒管开关法
Efficiency of Laser Heating Plasma with a Prepulse 有预脉冲条件的激光加热等离子体的效率
Characteristics of Prepulse Inhibition on Mid-long Term Visual Evoked Potentials 视觉前脉冲抑制在中长期诱发电位上的特性表现
The configuration and simulation model of water pulse forming line switch with prepulse suppression ground plane ( PPS) were introduced in this paper. 介绍了具有预脉冲屏蔽板的水介质脉冲形成开关的结构和等效电路模型,给出模型中等效参数的计算方法。
As we know, the scheme and characteristices of plasma column initiated by exploding wires under prepulse condition in wire array Z pinch implosion experiments have much significance for improvement of Z pinch implosion technology. This is just the background of the dissertation. 本论文选题的背景是金属丝阵Z箍缩内爆实验中预脉冲条件下金属丝电爆炸形成等离子体柱的机理及其特性,这对于Z箍缩内爆技术的提高很有意义。
The prepulse phenomena in the discharge process of accelerator are analyzed in this paper. 分析了脉冲线加速器在放电过程中产生的预脉冲电压现象。
Investigation of a low prepulse multi-channel self-breaking water switch 低预脉冲水介质多通道自击穿开关实验研究
Prepulse inhibition phenomena suggest that the principle of time priority encoding and time weighting encoding is followed in brain information processing. 前脉冲抑制的规律也揭示了大脑在信息处理时所遵循的时间优先和时间加权编码的大脑信息处理原理。
Using self similarity method, the physics of slab X ray laser using the prepulse technique is quantitatively described. 利用自相似方法,定量地描述了预主脉冲辐照平面靶产生X射线激光的物理过程。
The calculations show that reasonably chosen the energy rate and the separation between the prepulse and the main pulse, the higher output of X ray laser produced by the lower drive laser energy can be obtained. 结果表明:合理地选择预、主激光脉冲的能量匹配和时间间隔,就可以在较低能量的激光装置上产生较强的X射线激光输出。
Design and adjustment of an impedance tapering line and prepulse switch 变阻抗线及预脉冲开关的设计与调整
Analysis of the prepulse in a fast z-pinch device 快速z箍缩装置的预脉冲分析
Defocusing the prepulse and the main pulse simultaneously eliminated the splitting, resulting in a very narrow half maximum width of the vertical near field pattern of 40 μ m ( FWHM). 但是当抽运主、预脉冲同时散焦时,这一分裂现象逐渐消失并获得了半宽度只有40μm的非常窄的近场像。
Investigation of prepulse voltage on the flash 1 闪光-I加速器的预脉冲电压研究
Discussed the effect of the prepulse current with different amplitude, and the negative effect of the inherent prepulse has been proved. 讨论了不同幅值的预脉冲电流在实验中的作用,并验证了固有预脉冲对实验的负面影响。
The relationship between the discharge parameters and the laser output has been investigated through changing the shape of the discharge electrode and the amplitude of prepulse current and the optimal range of the prepulse amplitude were determined. 通过改变放电电极形状和预脉冲电流幅值研究了放电参数对产生激光的影响,确定了最佳预脉冲电流幅值范围。