The doctor then prescribes a blood transfusion for the patient into the same prescription application. 医生然后在相同的处方应用程序中开具输血处方。
On the contrary, our approach prescribes logical and physical separation if design is required but allows you to treat an entity as a black box if no design is needed. 相反,我们的方法规定如果设计是必需的则要分离逻辑和物理,但是如果并不要求设计是必需的,则允许你将一个实体视为一个黑盒子。
The law prescribes what should be done. 法律规定什么是应该做的。
Therefore, Chinese Criminal Law definitely prescribes that this act doesn't constitute crimes. 因此,我国刑法明文规定这种行为不构成犯罪。
The physician quickly diagnoses your problem and prescribes a certain set of exercises. 医生很快就诊断出你的问题,并给你开出了一套练习的处方。
We should all do as the law prescribes. 我们都应依法办事。
SCA really represents a set of specifications that prescribes how you build SOA-based applications. SCA的确代表了一组描述你如何构建基于SOA应用的规范。
The state expands facilities for rest and recuperation of working people, and prescribes working hours and vacations for workers and staff. 国家发展劳动者休息和休养的设施,规定职工的工作时间和休假制度。
The medicine the doctor prescribes for you is only obtainable through the pharmacist. 医生给你开的药只能通过药剂师取得。
The law prescribes that aliens may not vote. 法律规定外国人不可以投票。
Criminal Law Amendment VII prescribes the crime of organizing, leading pyramid selling. 《刑法修正案(七)》设置了组织、领导传销罪,但关于传铕定性的《批复》仍未失效;
The law prescribes that all children must go to school. 法律规定所有的孩子必须上学。
Unlike law, which prescribes hard rules, culture works as a soft constraint. 与法律这种刚性约束不同的是,文化约束是柔性的。
The Convention prescribes minimum standards relating to training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers, which countries are obliged to meet or exceed. 该公约规定了有关培训,发证和值班海员,哪些国家必须达到或超过最低标准。
Prescribes the laws and regulations of common duct. 二共同管道法规之订定。
The law prescribes how to punish this crime. 法律对如何处罚这种犯罪作出规定。
No one prescribes you must be what you are today. 没有谁规定你一定要成为今天这个样子。
The courts are coming down heavily on young offenders. The law prescribes heavy penalties for this offence. 法庭从严惩处年轻罪犯.法律规定对这种不法行为从严惩处。
Second type: Kongfuzi's Wuwei political system prescribes both government and the people are made weak; 第二类:孔子的无为政治制度下,政府和人民双方都很薄弱;
The law prescribes heavy penalties for this offence. 法律规定对这种不法行为从严惩处。
Rigid convention prescribes that such meetings open with prayer. 严格的习俗规定这样的开会必以祈祷开始。
Law is the highest reason, immanent in nature, which prescribes what to duo or not to do. 法律乃最高的理性,为自然所固有,规定着当为与不当为。
The constitution of the people's Republic of China clearly prescribes the principle for the protection of children, stipulating that minors enjoy equal rights as adults in political, economic, cultural, social and family affairs. 中国宪法明确规定了保护儿童的原则。规定未成年人在政治、经济、文化、社会和家庭方面,享有与成年人同等的权利。
The Party's general line prescribes transition to socialism. 按照党的总路线,是要过渡到社会主义。
This part, Sealed Bidding, prescribes. 这部分,密封招标,规定。
This book precisely and clearly prescribes the proper framework. 这本书准确而又清晰地介绍了这样的知识框架。
You should do as the law prescribes. 你应该按照法律的规定做。
The international anti-corruption pact prescribes that the scope of bribe is the malfeasance good. 国际反腐败公约也规定贿赂的范围为不正当好处。
Company law in China which clearly prescribes creditors as the subjects of appeals will start the system of disregard of corporate personality. 我国现行《公司法》中明确规定了债权人可以作为诉求主体启动公司法人格否认制度。