It seemed natural for the two to become close at work, in a pressure-cooker startup environment. 初创公司的工作环境处于高压,这两位似乎很自然地就成了亲密的同事。
So the problems are not the intensity and burnout and pressure-cooker environment you have in a garment factory. 因此富士康肯定不存在服装厂才有的那些问题,例如劳动强度太高、加班太频繁和工作压力太大等。
The pressure-cooker atmosphere of Chinese schools makes overseas schooling attractive. 另外,中国高压锅式的教育环境使在国外求学变得更有吸引力。
Job Environment: If you've ever worked in a pressure-cooker environment, you'll be no stranger to a similar environment in another industry. 工作环境:如果你曾在压力重重的环境下工作,那么其他行业类似的工作环境并不会让你感到陌生。
An outburst of steam from the pressure-cooker. 从压力锅中喷发出来的一股蒸汽。
Steve's pressure-cooker period lasted much longer than yours, but I am sure you can sympathize. 乔布斯的高压期要比你的长的多,相信你可以体谅。
Short of that, musically skilled kids get bonus points in the pressure-cooker competition to get into good universities and high schools. 此外,有音乐特长的孩子们可以在竞争激烈的高考和中考中得到加分,从而进入好学校。
When the pressure-cooker is decompressed abnormally, the utility model can be used repeatedly without changing component. 当压力锅非正常泄压后,无需更换部件便可重复使用。