Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads GB/T7307-1987非螺纹密封的管螺纹
Through the improvement on casting process, the horizontal tilting metal mould casting technique has been adopted to produce Al alloy pressure-tight shells. 从铸造工艺、工装设计上进行改进创新,采用横向翻转浇注工艺铸造耐压外壳铸件。
Bursting disc device is one of safety accessories to prevent pressure-tight device ( pressure vessel, equipment and pipeline) from overpressure. 爆破片装置是受压密闭装置(压力容器、设备及管道)防超压安全附件之一。
Foundry Technology of Heavy Al-alloy Pressure-tight Shell by Low Pressure Casting 大型铝合金耐压壳体的低压铸造工艺
In this paper, through the study of the truth-preserving sampling technique ( disturbing-low and pressure-tight) of seabed sediments, a complete design guide rules for seabed sediment truth-preserving sampling corer is achieved to afford the academic basement for similar equipment development. 本文通过对海底沉积物保真(低扰动和保压)取样技术的理论分析研究,得出一整套用于海底沉积物保真取样器设计的准则,为此类设备的设计和研制打下坚实的理论基础。
In chapter 7, the structure and the working principle of the gas hydrate temperature-hold and pressure-tight sampling corer are discussed. 第七章分析了天然气水合物保温保压取样器的结构和工作原理。
The results show that using a two-rise-liquid-tube technical scheme and reasonable parameters can produce a large quantity of high quality Al-alloy pressure-tight shell. 结果表明:应用双升液管铸造工艺方案和合理的工艺参数,能够批量生产出高质量的铝合金耐压壳体铸件。