It has a lot of potential applications in the field of masking agent, pretanning agent, retanning agent, finishing agent, tannery effluent treating agent and so on. 发现改性淀粉在制革上主要用作铬盐的蒙囿剂、预鞣剂、复鞣剂、涂饰剂以及制革废水处理剂等。
When some kinds of resin with acid resistance radicals are used in pretanning process, the part of space in skin fibre is occupied by these resin, so the exhaustion of chrome is improved. 将带有某些耐酸基团的树脂用于预鞣时,这类树脂会占据皮纤维间的部分空隙,从而对随后的鞣制工序中皮对铬的吸收产生影响。
In this study, the stable complex of aluminium-Sulphate and hexanediamine, used as a pretanning agent in the process of less chrome tannage, is synthesized at first. 首先合成出稳定的铝&己二胺络合物,以它为预鞣剂进行少铬鞣制。
Depending on the different characters, it can be used as the chrome tanning auxiliary and pretanning agent, and in combination with vegetable tanning agents. 根据不同的特性作为铬鞣助剂、预鞣剂以及与植物鞣剂结合鞣等用途。
Study on pretanning technology of chamois leather 油鞣革预鞣工艺的研究
Synthesis and application of aryl sulfone carboxylic acid pretanning agent-DSCA 芳砜羧酸预鞣剂DSCA的合成与应用
The optimal tanning conditions were obtained: 4% syntan DDS for pretanning, 10% mimosa extract for tanning and 2% modified glutaraldehyde for retanning; 在试验基础上确定较优化的结合鞣条件为:4%合成鞣剂DDS预鞣,10%的荆树皮栲胶鞣制,再用2%的改性戊二醛复鞣。
The formation of aryl sulfone carboxylic acid in the pretanning agent was confirmed by capillary electrophoresis and infrared spectroscopy. 通过毛细管电泳和红外光谱分析,确认了芳砜羧酸的形成。