N-VAR 自命不凡;虚荣;矫饰 If you say that someone has pretensions, you disapprove of them because they claim or pretend that they are more important than they really are.
Her wide-eyed innocence soon exposes the pretensions of the art world... 她的天真烂漫很快就暴露了艺术界的矫揉造作。
We like him for his honesty, his lack of pretension. 我们喜欢他的诚实、不浮夸。
N-UNCOUNT 声称;标榜;自称 If someone has pretensions to something, they claim to be or do that thing.
The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status... 这个城市不切实际地标榜自己为国际都市。
It will remain as a pressure group, but no longer has any pretension to be a political party. 它仍然是一个压力集团,但不再自称是一个政党。
He entertained his readers by lampooning the pretensions of the rich 他以冷嘲热讽自以为是的有钱人来愉悦读者。
Her wide-eyed innocence soon exposes the pretensions of the art world 她的天真烂漫很快就暴露了艺术界的矫揉造作。
The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status 这个城市不切实际地标榜自己为国际都市。
There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom. 在历史上,只有一种力量能够打破仇恨和怨忿的束缚,撕下暴君的伪装,满足那些宽容大度的正派人士的愿望,那就是人类自由的力量。
You shewed me how insufficient were all my pretensions to please a woman worthy of being pleased. 多亏你使我明白过来,我既然认定一位小姐值得我去博她欢心,我又一味对她自命不凡,那是万万办不到的。
They fear exposure of their weaknesses and hide beneath layers of protective pride and pretensions. 他们害怕暴露自己的弱点,因此将自己隐藏在层层骄傲和矫饰之下。
He made pretensions to literature and to materialism. 他自以为爱好文学和唯物主义。
The cats must unsheath their claws and lacerate the kings, ripping away their regal pretensions. 猫必须伸出爪子去抓挠国王,撕破他们帝王式的自命不凡。
We abate something of the wanton extravagance of our pretensions. 我们把自己恣肆狂妄的心胸稍稍加以收敛。
And as far as the governing class made any pretensions to govern, they were ridiculous too. 我们能者是政治上能。自命有统治能力的统治阶级,也可笑。
France, of course, will never surrender its global pretensions. 当然,法国永远不会放弃自己的国际权力。
On the opposite side of the street was a restaurant of no great pretensions. 对街有一家不怎么堂煌的饭馆。
Quite early in its career Buddhism came into conflict with the growing pretensions of the Brahmins. 佛教创立之初,很快就同婆罗门日益增长的矫饰自负发生了冲突。
Its intellectual pretensions are based more on artistic manipulation than vision. 现代主义智力上的自负更多的是操纵艺术而不是以艺术的洞察力为基础。
A home is just a house with pretensions. 家,就是一个装满了虚荣的房子。
They also set about shoring up their legal claim against Portugal's pretensions to the newly discovered lands. 他们开始指控葡萄牙觊觎西班牙发现的新大陆。
He never aimed at mere effect, and had none of the little tricks and pretensions of second-rate reputations. 他从不追求单纯的成功,毫无享有第二流声望的那种人的花俏与做作。
Let Britain waive her pretensions to the continent, or the continent throw off the dependence, and we should be peace with France and Spain, were they at war with Britain. 让英国放弃她在北美大陆的权利,或者北美大陆独立起来;我们应该与法国和西班牙和平共处&只要他们与英国交战。
It throws shit on all pretensions and fictions. 它轻视一切伪装和虚构。
Don Quixote derides the stupidity of knights Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science; A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. 《堂吉诃德》使骑士看起来愚蠢可笑;《奇妙的新世界》嘲弄了科学的自命不凡;《温和的建议》戏剧性地提倡同类相食来消灭饥饿。
His social pretensions make him appear ridiculous. 他冒充上流社会人士而出尽洋相。
He abandoned all divine pretensions and put Christian symbols on the shields and banners of his troops. 他抛弃所有神授的权利,把基督教的标志放在他的军队的盾牌和旗帜上。
Their professions to justice are just that, they are professions or pretensions expressing their vanity and their ambition. 他们在正义上的专业训练,只是他们的专业,或说自命表达其自负与野心。
She makes no pretensions to beauty. 她不自诩为美人。
The crisis exploded Britain's lingering imperial pretensions, and hastened the independence of its colonies. 苏伊士运河危机暴露了英国流连不肯放弃其帝国虚荣,加速了其殖民地的独立行为。
He's an actor of modest pretensions, quite content to play small parts. 他是个胸无大志的演员,演些小角色就心满意足了。
He has no pretensions to being an expert on the subject. 他并不以这方面专家自居。
She's a down-to-earth sort of woman with no pretensions. 她是那种毫不做作的、朴实的女人。
I have no pretensions to expertise in this held. 我称不上是这个领域的专家。
What pretensions have we, upon your suppositions, to ascribe that attribute to the divine Being? 那么,根据你的假设,我们有什么理由将那一属性归因于神灵呢?