As the development of the medical surgery and intensification of people's self-protection consciousness, preterit disinfection method depending on chemical treatment can not accord with the request. The process control principle has already been used for the anti-infection control of the surgical operation. 随着医学外科的发展和自我保护意识的增强,过去靠化学消毒解决手术感染的方法已经不符合时代要求,过程控制理念已逐步为外科手术抗感染控制所接受。
Designed the background database model for the Enthalpy Potential test. It can queried preterit data and redraw the data curve. 为焓差试验设计了后台数据库模型,可以实现历史数据的再现以及实时数据曲线的绘制。