Exploration and biopsy were made to the neoplasms and lymph nodes around the trachea through pretracheal interstice. 所有患者皆采用局部浸润麻醉(个别病例加用静脉基础麻醉)下,经气管前间隙向下方探查气管周围肿物和淋巴结,并进行活检。
Results 6 patients showed right hemi snowman sign in posteroanterior view and 4 showed a pretracheal density on the lateral view or other sign caused by drainage vein. 结果X线平片呈右半头雪人征者6例,4例有右上纵隔旁增宽引流静脉影;
Methods: Pretracheal space and its lymph nodes were studied in the serial horizontal sections of the thorax in 20 adult cadavers. 方法:在20具成人胸部连续横断面标本上,观测了气管前间隙及其内的淋巴结。
The results showed that the pretracheal space and the posterior infrahyoid space located in front of the viscera of the neck and the retropharyngeal space and the danger space behind it respectively. 结果表明,在颈部脏器的前方存在气管前间隙和舌骨下肌后间隙,在后方存在咽后间隙和危险间隙。
Objective: In order to provide anatomical knowledge for clinical image diagnosis of diseases in the pretracheal space. 目的:旨在为气管前间隙内病变的临床影像学诊断提供解剖学基础。