Then one day, on my break from work at the pretzel stand, I spotted a U.S. Army National Guard Recruiting booth in the mall. 后来,有一天下班后,当我在卷饼摊后台休息的时候,我看到了美国国民警卫队在购物中心里设置的征兵处。
To make the video, the pretzel chain put out a call to its 1,200 stores for 90-second audition tapes from managers. 为了制作这段视频,这家如意卷连锁商致电旗下的1200家门店,要求店长们制作一段90秒的试镜表演录像。
When you hear the word yoga, do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel? 一听到瑜伽这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?
Sure you don't wanna pretzel? 你真的不要椒盐脆饼?
Philadelphia: Soft pretzels The doughy pretzel has come a long way, Diamanti says. 费城:软椒盐卷饼面团饼已经存在很久了,迪亚曼蒂说。
Pretzel, German beer bread, Frankfurt bread, soft roll, hard roll, whole wheat bread, multigrain bread Portion butter and assorted jams, salted bread sticks, salted mini pretzel. 椒盐脆饼,德国啤酒面包,法兰克福面包,软辊面包,硬卷面包,全麦面包,杂粮面包,黄油什锦果酱面包,盐渍面包棒,盐渍迷你饼干。
It's a cookie that looks like a pretzel. 这饼干看起来像脆饼一样。
Weave the loose end on the right around and behind the right lobe of the pretzel. 把右侧松开的一端,从后方绕过椒盐卷饼的右侧叶。
Wrap that same end around and in front of the left lobe, then behind it and in front of the right lobe of the pretzel. 把同样一端从前方绕过左侧叶,然后从后方绕到右侧叶的前方。
Want to go get a soft pretzel? 想来点酥软的椒盐卷饼吗?
A pretzel made of soft bread. 用柔软的面包做成的一种脆饼干。
I can offer you beer and pretzel rods, my fine fellow, at ye old pub yonder. 我能给你们拿些啤酒,脆饼棒,年轻人,在那个遥远的吧台。
Wouldn't you think that history would have recorded the name of the person who came up with something as terrific as the pretzel? 难道你不认为历史应该记录下发明这么棒的扭纹面包的人的名字吗?
If Bush coughed and coughed to get rid of the pretzel, he could also have fainted from that, Ravich said, simplyshavingsone's trachea blocked by food can also cause a faint. 对于布什总统的“饼干事件”拉维奇医生还说,即使当时布什总统努力将饼干咳出来,他同样可能由于精神紧张而昏厥,因为食道被堵也会引起昏厥。