The tower granulation technology in prilling tower and caking mechanism are presented, especially the main factors affecting caking of tower granulation. 阐述高塔造粒生产复合肥的技术、肥料的结块机理及影响高塔造粒肥料结块的主要因素,并提出相应的防结块措施。
Trend of the compound fertilizer process by melt granulation in high prilling tower 高塔熔体造粒生产复合肥工艺流程的发展变化
Application of epoxy resin glass fiber reinforced plastics in corrosion protection of urea prilling tower liner 环氧树脂玻璃钢衬里在尿素造粒塔防腐蚀中的应用
The comprehensive technology for enhancement of cooling, screening and dust-recovery in production of compound fertilizer by prilling tower process 高塔复合肥加强冷却、筛分与粉尘回收的综合技术
Study on Antiseptic Mechanism and Technique for Urea Prilling Towers 尿素造粒塔的防腐机理及防腐技术研究
The mechanism of granule formation for production of compound fertilizer by melt granulation in prilling tower and factors impacting particle size 高塔复合肥熔体造粒工艺粒度成因机理及影响造粒的各种因素
Remarks: the distribution of prilling is the item of formal test. 注:粒度分布为形式检验项目。
The key items and control points are introduced in compound fertilizer production by process of melt granulation in prilling tower. 介绍熔体法高塔造粒生产复合肥工艺的关键环节及控制要点,分析高塔造粒生产过程中常见问题产生的原因及对策。
Effect of out tower particles temperature by natural ventilation prilling tower into air volume 浅析通风造粒塔进风量对出塔粒子温度的影响
Focuses influence on particle temperature out the urea prilling tower with the type of tower, granulator means, and natural conditions etc. 主要论述了尿素出塔粒子温度受造粒塔的类型、造粒手段,自然条件等方面的影响。
Technology for melt crystallization-granulation with air cooling in lower prilling tower and its application 全熔融低塔风冷结晶造粒技术及应用
Approaches Feasibility of Application Plastic-scale Reinforcing-anticorrosive-layer in Urea Prilling Tower 尿素造粒塔玻璃鳞片加强防腐蚀施工可行性探讨
The reason was analyzed from aspects of evaporating temperature, vacuum, ambient temperature and humidity, wind window opening of prilling tower etc. for the urea product in which the water content exceeded the standard requirement, the appropriate improvement measures and matters needing attention were supposed. 从蒸发温度、真空度、大气温度和湿度、造粒塔风窗开度等方面分析了尿素产品水含量超标的原因,提出了相应改进措施和注意事项。
The process uses molten urea in intelligent prilling to realize the intelligent production of urea-based compound fertilizers. 该法用尿素浓溶液通过智能化喷浆造粒,实现了尿基复合肥生产智能化。
This article discusses the principal for dust formation and the available measures for dust removal in urea prilling process. 论述尿素喷淋法造粒工艺中尿素粉尘形成的主要原因及如何减少粉尘弥散的可能途径。
A presentation is given of the operating principle and structural characteristics of the differential revolving prilling basket. 介绍了差动旋转造粒喷头的工作原理和结构特点。
This paper investigated the prilling, packing, storage and transportation of 6 large scale chemical fertilizer plants. 调查与测定了6个大化肥厂造粒和储运包装的运行情况。
Principles and characteristics of prilling technique by vibration spraying are introduced in detail, as well as the application in caustic soda production. 详细介绍了振动喷流造粒技术的原理、特点及其在粒状烧碱生产中的应用。
Failure Analysis for Urea Solution Ejecting System of Large-Granule Urea Fluidized Bed Prilling Machine 大颗粒尿素流化床造粒机尿液喷射系统故障分析
Room temperature cured fluorocarbon coating was applied as anti-corrosion coat in newly built urea prilling tower of Lianxing Chemical company, Mianyang city, Sichuan province, China. 四川省绵阳市联星化工公司新建的尿素造粒塔选用了常温固化型氟碳漆对其内外壁进行了防腐涂装。
Control of urea dust emission for prilling process 尿素喷淋法造粒工艺的粉尘控制
Analysis and control of the urea prilling tower exit temperature 尿素造粒出塔温度分析与控制
The operation of prilling tower has direct influence on the appearance and intrinsic quality of the granular urea. 造粒塔的运行直接影响颗粒尿素的内在质量和外观质量。
Application of prilling technique by vibration spraying in caustic soda production 振动喷流造粒技术在烧碱生产中的应用
Comprehensive Reformation in Prilling System of Urea 尿素造粒系统的综合改造
Spray prilling technology using for preparing liquid-phase sintering SiC powders was discussed. The influences of slurry characteristics, temperature and spray press on powder properties were investigated. 阐述了液相烧结SiC陶瓷喷雾造粒过程中的相关制备工艺,研究了浆料的特性、干燥温度、喷雾压力等因素对粉体性能的影响。
Calculation of Closed Circular Cylindrical Shells and Prilling Tower 闭口圆柱壳和造粒塔的计算
Design for the modification of louvers of urea prilling tower 尿素造粒塔百叶窗改造设计
A modal analysis is conducted to prilling tower, and then a seismic analysis is carried out according to the results of modal analysis. 对造粒塔进行模态分析,并用模态分析的结果进行抗震分析。
The urea prilling tower, such tall building, is comparatively sensitive to the response of earthquake. 尿素造粒塔这类高耸建筑,对地震作用的反应比较敏感。