He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house. 他把三个女儿都嫁给了王室的王子。
In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves. 汤姆·潘恩在18世纪90年代教育平民激进分子时论述到,如果不是为了实现王公、外交官和士兵借发起战争而使自己富有的潜在利益,人类本会生活在和谐之中。
Earls, princes, and kings belong to the nobility. 伯爵、亲王和国王属于贵族。
Balak sacrificed cattle and sheep, and gave some to Balaam and the princes who were with him. 巴勒宰了牛羊,送给巴兰和陪伴的使臣。
By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. 王子和首领,世上一切的审判官,都是藉我掌权。
Balaam got up in the morning, saddled his donkey and went with the princes of Moab. 巴兰早晨起来,备上驴,和摩押的使臣一同去了。
And because of all this we make a sure covenant, and write it; and our princes, Levites, and priests, seal unto it. 因这一切的事,我们立确实的约,写在册上。我们的首领,利未人,和祭司都签了名。
So Balaam went with the princes of Balak. 于是巴兰同着巴勒的使臣去了。
They make the king glad with their wickedness, and the princes with their lies. 他们行恶使君王欢喜,说谎使首领喜乐。
I embrace new and existing relationships, realizing that God in His wisdom has assigned, pastors, people, princes in palaces to help me further His cause as I occupy until He comes. 我意识到神以其聪明才智,已经委派了牧师、人类和宫殿中的王子在他的宫殿中来帮助我促进他的事业直至他来临,因此,我信奉每一种新的现存的关系。
And your princes are also not very different. 你们的国王也没有太大的不同。
I have a gift for angering princes. 我还有份礼物送给怒头上的王子。
Up, sir, go with me; I charge thee in the princes name, obey. 先生,起来吧,请你跟我去。我用亲王名义命令你服从。
King Priam gave him a house like those of his brothers, the Trojan princes. 国王普里阿摩斯送给他一座府邸,和他的兄弟特洛伊的其他王子所居住的一样。
The princes agreed with the king's plan. 王子们都赞成国王的计划。
In this way the king and the ninety-nine princes became closer as friends than they had been as brothers. 就这样国王和另外九十九位王子成为了朋友,他们的关系比兄弟更亲密。
Happy Everyday My Princes. 天天快乐,我的王子们。
Goodnight, you princes of Maine, you kings of New England. 晚安,你们这些缅因州的王子,新英格兰的国王。
They had dressed up as princes and princesses. 他们已装扮成王子和公主。
Ordinary princes and other aristocrats went on being buried in mastabas. 普通的王子和其他贵族就一直埋在这样的陵墓中。
They enacted tales of feudal princes and magic birds. 他们演出了封建王子与神鸟的故事。
Slave pens and the Palaces of the Goblin Princes of Trade are located in Undermine. 地精贸易王子的宫殿和奴隶的窝棚都位于安德麦。
Meanwhile the ninety-nine older princes had brought their ninety-nine small armies to surround the royal capital. 与此同时,另外那九十九个王子已经带着他们的小军队包围了皇城。
He had talked and argued with sailors and scholars and princes and kings. 他同水手和学者们,同国王和王子们不知交谈和辩论了多少次。
Frederick the Great studied Homer's Odysseus as a model for princes. 腓特烈大帝研读荷马的《奥迪修斯》,从中学习如何做王子;
Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme. 能够和我这些强劲的诗比寿;
I prefer you to a hundred princes! 我爱你胜过一百个王子!
On the day of the LORD's sacrifice I will punish the princes and the king's sons and all those clad in foreign clothes. 到了我耶和华献祭的日子,必惩罚首领和王子,并一切穿外邦衣服的。
Behold, the princes of Israel, every one were in thee to their power to shed blood. 看哪,以色列的首领各逞其能,在你中间流人之血。
How many princes of Romania have you known? 你认识多少个罗马尼亚的王子?