Ideally, in order to reformat each line, AlignAssignments() would use the built-in substitute() function, and replace everything up to the operator with a printf'd rearrangement of that text. 理想情况下,要重新格式化每一行,AlignAssignments()将使用内置的substitute()函数,并使用经过printf重新整理后的文本替换运算符之前的所有内容。
The% 03d is a printf-style format specifier. 03d是printf风格的格式说明符。
It simply uses printf, but this could easily send an SNMP trap, for example. (它只使用printf,但是也可以轻松地发送一个(比如)SNMPtrap。)
Printf is used instead of println. 使用了printf而非println。
Use printf tokens for dynamic content in a full sentence rather than breaking up the sentence into multiple strings. 在完整的句子中使用printf标记来标记动态内容而不要将句子分割为多个字符串。
Some of the most convenient features added in C99 are in the printf family of functions. C99中增加的最方便的特性在printf函数家族中。
The locale setting will cause the% ls format specifier in printf to call the wcsrtombs() function in order to convert the wide character argument string into the locale-dependent multi-byte encoding. 语言环境设置会导致printf中的%ls格式说明符调用wcsrtombs()函数以便于将宽字符的参数字符串转换成依赖语言环境的多字节编码。
It is needed for the file opening, closing, reading, and writing functions ( fopen(), fclose(), fgets(), getc(), and so on), for the printf() family of functions, and for the setvbuf() function. 文件的打开、关闭、读和写函数(fopen()、fclose()、fgets()、getc()等等)、printf()函数系列和setvbuf()函数都需要它。
The first parameter to printf is the address of an output string. printf的第一个参数是输出字符串的地址。
After computing the factorial, you now want to print it out using printf. 计算了阶乘之后,现在需要用printf将其打印出来。
FormatToString ( control, args)& This method is similar to the printf function in the C language. formatToString(control,args)&该方法类似于C语言中的printf函数。
If any of the tests fail, an appropriate message is printed in the Purify console or log by calling purify_printf. 如果任何一个测试失败,就会有一个适当的消息都会通过调用purifyprintf打印在Purify控制台或者日志中。
That is, in Vimscript, printf doesn't print a formatted version of its list of data arguments; it returns a string containing a formatted version of its list of data arguments. 也就是说,在Vimscript中,printf并不会输出其数据参数列表的格式化后的版本;它会返回一个字符串,其中包含了数据参数列表的格式化后的版本。
Common functions used for debugging, such as printf, write, and so on, can sometimes change the behavior of a program in the case of multi-threaded applications, making them hard to debug. 有一些常见的调试函数,如printf、write等,可能会在多线程应用程序的情况下更改一个程序的行为,使得它们难以调试。
Qlog is nice when you don't want to write printf STDERR every time. 如果不希望每次编写printfSTDERR,那么qlog将非常有用。
Note the use of printk here: this is the kernel printf function. 注意此处printk的用法:这是内核的printf函数。
Logging within the kernel is performed using the printk function, which shares similarity with its user space counterpart, printf ( print formatted). 内核的日志是通过printk函数实现的,它与用户空间对应函数printf(按格式打印)具有相似的作用。
So is there a slash letter command for printf they could just like type you know what I mean? 所以这里有一个斜杠字母命令,来printf,他们可以像,【听不见的】你懂我的意思吗?
Printf I have my includes, standard IO's; so I can use print F, but then I had this thing called a prototype. 我包含了标准输入输出文件,所以我可以使用,然后我有这个原型。
So for anything that's not printf, you have to write out code? 对于不是打印输出的,你需要写出代码吗?
If you then re-run the application as before and obtain a flat profile or a call graph, you should see lots of C runtime functions including printf ( none of which are significant in our test program). 然后,可以像以前一样运行这个应用程序,并获得flatprofile或callgraph,应该会看到很多C运行函数,包括printf(这些函数在我们的测试函数中并不是太重要)。
David: At some point in time, I'm going to have to have declared the variable as a float before I can then hand it to printf as the insertion value for that format strength. 大卫:在一个特定的时间,我将需要,声明float类型这样的变量,那样我就可以把它打印出来,像是格式化优点的插入值。
If I wanna say something, do something, then say something else, I just call printf twice. 如果我想说点什么,做点什么,再说点什么,我就得调用printf两次。
Well and I'll fix this blue next time I'm first telling the compiler I need access to the standard io library because printf is declared there. 哦!下次我把这个字体颜色改成蓝色的-,我先告诉编译器我需要使用,标准输入输出库,因为printf在那个库里面申明的。
Int A Well, one, function has called swap, takes one int called A, printf followed by another int called B, and as we've seen with print F, if you have multiple arguments, you separate them by commas. 好的,函数叫做swap,一个参数是,另一个参数是int,B,我们看到的,如果你有好几个参数,把它们用逗号分开。
Is there a command to printf? 是否有个命令来打印?
Printf Well, notice I'm calling print F with percent C, and then I'm printing out each of these letters one at a time. 好的,请注意我用%c来调用,然后我打印出一个一个打印出这些字符。
For the printf, do you use the printf for that? 对于printf,你也对它使用printf吗?
Printf So here I'm culling printf in a loop again and again, but I'm literally overwriting the previous thing that I wrote. 所以这里我一次次地在循环中使用,但是我逐行地覆盖了我之前所写的东西。
When writing rules which will potentially handle multiple similar devices, udev's printf-like string substitution operators are very useful. 当要编写规则处理多个相似的设备时,udev可以使用类似C语言的printf函数中的字符串替换操作符。