The δ D values of the n-alkanes from Xifeng loess profile spanning the last 130 kyr show large variations for the past 130 kyr, ranging from-140 ‰ to-190 ‰. The Study on Relationship between the Distribution of N-alkanes, Pristane and Environment Change in JinChuan Peatland 黄土高原西峰黄土/古土壤剖面过去130kyr正构烷烃组分的平均氢同位素组成变化为-140‰~-190‰。金川泥炭地正烷烃和姥鲛烷分布特征与环境演变关系研究
Establishment of experimental animal model of pristane induced rheumatoid arthritis in rats 降植烷诱导大鼠类风湿关节炎模型的建立
Most of the low-mature oil samples have high pristane/ phytane ratio, low gammacerane/ C_ ( 30) hopane ratio and high C_ ( 29) sterane content. 大部分低熟油样品具有高Pr/Ph比值,低伽马蜡烷/C30藿烷比值及高C29甾烷含量的特征。
Study on rhTNFR: Fc induced apoptosis of synovial membrane cell in Pristane induced arthritis rat rhTNFR:Fc诱导降植烷诱导型关节炎大鼠滑膜细胞凋亡的研究
A predominant pristane content in the condensate associated with the gas, Pr/ Ph being high to 4~ 8; 与天然气伴生的凝析油具姥鲛烷优势,Pr/Ph高达4~8;
According to the ratio of pristane/ phytane, the immature source rocks are divided into two ty-pes: source rock of phytane type and source rock of pristane type. 未成熟生油岩按姥植比划分为两型,即植烷优势型生油岩和姥鲛烷优势型生油岩。
A primary study on carbon isotope of n-alkane, pristane and phytane in crude oil 液态正构烷烃系列、姥鲛烷、植烷碳同位素初步研究
Pristane/ phytane ratio in recent marine sediment ( sedimentary layer) and its geochemical significance 近代海洋沉积物(层)中姥鲛烷/植烷比值及其地球化学意义
All the animals excepted for those in the normal control group were performed subcutaneous injection of 0.2 mL pristane into the tail-head of the rats. 除正常组外,每只大鼠尾根部位一次性皮内注射降植烷0.2mL。