Several privateer often cruise near the entrance of the channel. 几只武装民船经常在这个海峡的进口附近巡航。
Ogier, the2008 Junior world champion, made his Rally Sweden debut last season and could find it hard to outgun Loeb and Citroen privateer Petter Solberg. 2008年世界汽车拉力锦标赛青年组冠军奥吉尔,在上个赛季首次参加瑞典拉力赛就发现自己很难跟上勒布,以及雪铁龙私人车手皮特·索伯格。
Younger brother Petter will be making the trip to South America, however, where he will drive his privateer Citroen DS3 WRC under the Petter Solberg World Rally Team banner. 其弟弟皮特将前往南美,不过他将驾驶皮特索伯格世界拉力车队的私人雪铁龙DS3赛车。
Jack will be free, a privateer in the employ of england. 杰克将获得自由,成为英国雇佣的私掠船长。
Gemini Gold is a spin-off of the Privateer remake project code base and builds on improved resources with artwork and gameplay improvements. 是《银河飞将:私掠者》的重制工程代码库的一个副产品,它建立于改进了的美工和可玩性的基础之上。
Three years later he embarked his army in ships assembled by Lord Cochrane, a brilliant, if self-serving, British naval commander operating as a privateer, and landed in Peru. 三年后,他带领军队搭乘科克伦勋爵(LordCochrane)的船队来到秘鲁。(科克伦勋爵尽管有些自私自利,但确是一名杰出的英国海军指挥官,他指挥了一支劫掠船队。)
The goal is to provide a quality release of an OS independent high resolution Privateer game within the unique Wing Commander universe. 游戏的目标在于做出一款《银河飞将》宇宙背景下的高质量《私掠者》游戏,与操作系统相独立,分辨率也比较高。
The frigate fired a warning shot across the privateer's bows to make her heave to. The pilot jibbed at the idea of a straight bomb run, for it would mean flying through heavy flak. 快速战舰向私掠船的船首上空发炮警告,命令她停航。领航员不赞成采用笔直的轰炸航线,因为这样做就得飞过密集的高射炮火。
An officer or crew member of a privateer. 私掠船中的长官或乘务员。