A particular source of contention is plans to privatise state-run companies. 发生争执的一个根源就是国营公司的私有化方案。
Apart from the failed attempt to encourage wider share ownership, there was no obvious reason to privatise them by floating them on the stock market and selling them to shareholders. 撇开鼓励更广泛持股的尝试遭遇失败不说,国家并没有明显的理由将这些企业私有化,使他们的股价浮动于股市之中,并且卖给个人持股者。
In his essay, Mr Hatoyama said the global economy had damaged traditional economic activities while market fundamentalism had destroyed local communities, citing the decision by Junichiro Koizumi, former LDP prime minister, to privatise Japan's post office. 鸠山在文中表示,全球经济已损害了传统经济活动,而市场原教旨主义已经摧毁了当地社区。文中提到自民党前首相小泉纯一郎(JunichiroKoizumi)私有化日本邮局的决定。
The attempted "solution" was to privatise a portion of the trade. 尝试的“解决方案”是私有化一部分贸易。
It has started to privatise the costs of higher education. The court allowed$ 10,000 to the child for education. 开始让个人承担高等教育费用;法院判给小孩一万美元的教育费用。
Back in 1999, thanks to the prodding of Zhu rongii, the prime minister, Chinese cities were just starting to privatise the housing stock. 1999年,在时任国务院总理朱基的推动下,中国各城市才刚刚开始将存量住房私有化。
When the government first flagged its intention to privatise the company, its stake was worth more than A$ 30bn. 当政府首次表示有意对该公司实行私有化之时,其所持股份的价值逾300亿澳元。
Most of Citic International's value is derived from its stake in Citic Bank so it makes sense for the parent to privatise and streamline this unit, said Simon Ho, head of Asian financials research at ABN Amro. 中信国金的大部分价值源自其持有的中信银行股份,因此,母公司私有化并精简该机构是合理的,荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)亚洲金融研究主管SimonHo表示。
It is just too risky to privatise an entity that will not face competition. 对一个不会遭遇竞争的实体进行私有化,这实在太危险了。
On the other side of the debate, there are some convincing critics of the land reform movement who worry that China could go down the same path as other post-Communist countries, most notably Russia, were it hastily to privatise all rural land. 在这场辩论的另一边,有一些很有说服力的土地改革运动批评人士。他们担心,如果匆忙将所有农村土地私有化,中国会重蹈其它前社会主义国家,尤其是俄罗斯的覆辙。
Roughly 80 per cent of China's urban residents own their homes – an astonishing number for a country that only began to privatise its housing stock in 1998. 中国大约80%的城市居民拥有自己的住房&对于一个1998年才开始实行住房私有化的国家来说,这是一个令人惊讶的数字。
Mr Sarkozy is fond of "national champions" and has pledged, for example, never to privatise Gaz de France, whose shares rose 4 per cent yesterday. 萨科奇对“国家冠军企业”情有独钟,例如,他承诺绝不会将法国燃气公司(gazdefrance)私有化(该公司股价昨日上涨4%)。
A more appealing alternative is to let the pendulum swing the other way, and privatise a large slice of the state school sector. 更有吸引力的一种选择是,让“钟摆”摆到另一端:将大量公立学校私有化。
The point was that it was just as important to free and privatise the domestic economy as to abolish border controls and restrictions, although free trade was a step in the right direction. 他的观点是,国内经济的开放和私有化,与废除边境控制和限制同样重要,而自由贸易则是向正确方向迈出的一步。
Many economists have urged the government to privatise land ownership and that is likely the direction we are now heading in. 他说:许多经济学家敦促政府将土地所有权私有化,而这很可能就是我们现在看到的趋向。
Hutchison may want to privatise it and put the cash to better use. 和黄可能想将该公司私有化,以便更好地利用这些现金。
Indeed, the most beleaguered European governments, in Spain, Greece and Portugal, are desperately trying to privatise state assets to plug the holes in their budgets. 实际上,现在像西班牙、希腊和葡萄牙这些在欧债危机中受灾最严重的政府正迫切使国有资产私有化来填补他们预算中的漏洞。
The head of one international wealth manager says asset managers are still in pole position to benefit long-term from the rise in the numbers of individuals 'saving money and governments that will be forced to privatise retirement provisioning. 一家国际财富管理公司的掌门人表示,资产管理公司仍然占据着最有利的位置,可从个人储蓄额的增长、以及被迫进行养老金账户私有化的政府数量增多中长期获益。
But in the rush to privatise, too little attention has been paid to these finer points. 然而,在匆忙进行私有化的过程中,人们对这些细节给予的关注太少。
However, after Beijing decided to privatise the housing stock, the market took off and local governments began selling land for residential developments that fetched higher and higher prices. 但在中央政府决定将既有住房私有化后,市场开始起飞,地方政府开始出让土地用于住房开发,土地出让价格越来越高。
Now foreign companies are ostensibly welcome to participate as the state begins to cautiously privatise parts of its rail assets. 随着政府开始谨慎地将部分铁路资产私有化,外资企业貌似获得邀请参与其中。
Chinese policymakers have nightmares about what would happen if they were to abolish the hukou system and privatise land in the countryside. 对于取消户籍制度并将农村土地私有化后会出现什么后果,中国的决策者有着无法摆脱的恐惧。
The "Washington consensus" stabilise, privatise and liberalise is dead. 以稳定、私有化、自由化为核心的“华盛顿共识”(washingtonconsensus)已然作古!
It has started to privatise the costs of higher education. 开始让个人承担高等教育费用;
Bankers and analysts predict activity will be more sluggish, driven in part by forced IPOs as struggling companies look to shed assets and governments privatise state-owned groups. 银行家和分析师们预测,欧洲IPO市场将更趋萧条,而且一部分IPO将是陷入困境、寻求剥离资产的公司或对国有集团实施私有化的政府不得不发起的。