PREFIX (与形容词和名词连用构成形容词)表示“亲”,“支持”,“赞成” You can add pro- to adjectives and nouns in order to form adjectives that describe people who support or admire a particular person, system, or idea.
He was at the forefront of the pro-democracy campaign in the country... 他活动在该国亲民主运动的前沿。
Younger voters are strongly pro-European... 年轻选民是坚定的亲欧派。
The mood of the crowd was essentially pro-Agassi. 大多数观众都希望阿加西获胜。
Pro-Russian rebels shot down two Ukrainian helicopters in eastern Ukraine on Friday. 亲俄反政府武装周五在乌克兰东部击落了两架乌克兰直升机,两名飞行员丧生。
Shanghainese, like many of the estimated 80 other local dialects spoken in China, is endangered by the government's pro-Mandarin policy. 与中国不同地区其他八十种的方言一样,上海话也受到国家普通话推广政策的威胁。
These are observations rooted in biology, not intended to mesh with any kind of pro-or anti-feminist ideology. 这些是植根於生物学的观察结果,并不是为了迎合任何女权主义或反女权主义的思想。
The key for the leadership will be balancing the pro-and anti-growth ref# 173; or# 173; ms and implementing them in the right sequen# 173; ce, says Stephen Green, head of research for greater China at Standard Chartered. 对领导层来说,关键将是在促增长和反增长的改革之间把握平衡,并以合适的顺序推行这些改革,渣打(StandardChartered)大中华区研究部主管王志浩(StephenGreen)表示。
Pro-active counterattacks are a useful way to attrit the enemy ( John H.Cushman, Jr) 前期的反攻是使敌人消耗的有效方式(小约翰H.库什曼)
"It's impacted our options", says a businessman about a setback his pro-ject has suffered. 这已经影响到了我们的选择,一位商人在说他的项目所受到的挫折。
This is a diagnostic pro-gram that searches every piece of code in your computer s memory for the "signature" or known viruses. 这是一个能搜索你的计算机内存中每一个已知病毒的签名留下的编码片段的诊断程序。
Although China has taken a pro-Palestinian position in international forums and is critical of Israel's nuclear capability, it has had an unusually close relationship with Israel, which has been a key military supplier. 尽管中国在国际论坛上采取亲巴勒斯坦姿态,并批评以色列的核武能力,但中国与作为关键军火供应国的以色列关系异常密切。
The change of humoral immune, acute phase pro-teins and urine proteins in children with nephrotic syndrome 儿童肾病综合征体液免疫、急性期蛋白及尿液蛋白成分变化
That may be true, but by the time this crisis is over, it is going to be a lot more tightly regulated – not least as pro-cyclical Basel II capital adequacy rules are implemented. 这或许是对的,但在这种危机结束前,它就会受到严格得多的监管&不只是在重视周期的《新巴赛尔协议》(BASELII)资本充足率规定执行时如此。
According to the Social Security Act, families of that size below poverty line are eligible to receive benefits from the special welfare pro-gram. 根据美国社会福利法案,四口之家收入在贫穷线以下的,有权领取社会福利救济金。
As Ms Nash points out, seeing senior staff being open "pro-vides reassurance that men-tal illness does not signal the end of their careers". 正如纳什指出的那样,看到资深员工持一种开放的态度“能够让员工相信患有精神疾病并不意味着职业生涯的终结”。
There are 16 species of loaches belonging to 8 genera, 3 subfamilies. Among them, 4 species of loaches are new records of our pro-vince. 文中现计有我省鳅科鱼类3亚科8属16种,其中4种为省新记录。
Us unions are trying to restrict Chinese tyre imports, a move that will force Barack Obama to take a firm free trade or pro-labour position. 美国工会正试图限制进口中国轮胎,此举将迫使巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)明确选择立场,即支持自由贸易还是支持工会。
Many still see those demonstrators as heroes but for Kissinger it is this split-into the pro-and anti-war factions-that has proved the most enduring legacy of that time. 如今许多人仍认为,这些抗议者是英雄,但对于基辛格而言,正是主战派和反战派两者之间的分裂,被证明是那个时代最为恒久的遗赠。
Some congressmen is uneasy about the government's pro-russian tilt in foreign policy 有些国会议员对政府外交政策上的亲俄倾向感到不安
After all, pro-cyclicality can stem not only from regulatory policies but also from macro-economic policies, where it is equally undesirable. 毕竟,顺周期性的来源可能不仅仅是监管政策,可能还有同样不受欢迎的宏观经济政策。
These include: mitigating against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy; reviewing global accounting standards; strengthening derivatives markets; reviewing compensation practices in financial institutions; and reviewing the mandates, governance and resource requirements of international financial institutions. 这些目标包括:减缓监管政策的周期性趋势;审议全球会计标准;加强衍生品市场;审议金融机构薪酬;审议国际金融机构的职能、治理以及资源要求。
An algorithm of small target detection based on pattern lateral inhibition is pro-posed. 提出了一种基于模式侧抑制的复杂背景下小目标检测的方法。
The author only pro-poses individual view on this question by this paper, for everybody reference. 笔者就此问题仅以该文提出个人看法,供大家参考。
In the paper a more suitable SDH system with the new method of overhead pro- 文章提出了一种较为实用的SDH系统方案,并在系统中采用了一种新型的、便于系统升级的开销处理方法,该系统已通过了电路实现和硬件的测试。
Pro-mote the sound development to the cosmetology medicine education with scientific spirits, attitudes and ideas. 用科学的精神、科学的态度和科学的思想,促进美容医学教育事业的健康发展。
An approach to structural optimal design by displaying the reliability constraints is pro-posed. 文中提出了一种在随机荷载作用下结构可靠性约束显式化的优化设计方法。
Experimental results show that the pro-posed method is effective for feature recognition of multi-source part image. 实验结果表明,基本概率分配构造和多源零件图像特征识别的方法是有效的。
This paper introduces the research and development of the application software of the Hospital Nurse Station Management System according to the Nurse Station management and the actual operating process, pro-vides the detailed realizing process as well. 根据医院护士站实际的操作和管理流程,介绍了医院护士站管理系统应用软件的研制和开发,并给出了详细的实现过程。
Based on the diagnose of STL model, slicing, slice profile topological pro-cessing and scan processing and optimum, this paper developed a practical interface software from CAD system to RPM system. 本文在着重研究了STL模型诊断、切片处理、切片轮廓拓扑处理和扫描处理与优化的基础上,开发了实用化的CAD系统与RP系统间的接口软件,并揭示RPM技术的发展方向。
The mathematical model of a forced-recirculation system is revised on the assumption of constant heat absorption in the superheater. A new treatment for simplifying the model is also pro-posed. 从过热器中吸热量不变的假定出发,对强制循环系统的数学模型进行了补充修正,并对模型的简化提出了新的处理方法。
The paper includes concept of Pro-graph, state alignment, and termination problem of recursive program. 其中包括Pro图的概念和Pro图的状态序列及递归程序的终止问题。
The algorithm of dynamic optimal design had been determined and corresponding pro-gram had been made; 制定了动态优化设计的算法,编制了相应程序;
For the early diagnosis of bladder cancer has pro-vided an effective new way. 为早期诊断膀胱癌提供了有效的新途径。