ADJ 反对人工流产的 Someone who is pro-life thinks that women do not have a right to choose whether or not to give birth to a child they have conceived, and that abortion is wrong in most or all circumstances.
But though there are groups inBritainwith entrenched pro-choice or pro-life views, polls show that most people think, unenthusiastically, that abortion should be available. 尽管支持自我选择和维护生命这种观点在许多英国人心中早已根深蒂固,但民意调查显示,大多数的英国人认为堕胎其实无可非议。
We need you to commit to appointing pro-life judges. 我们需要的是您通过一个预备法案。
Do you actually think he'd promise the reverends pro-life judges? 你认为他真的同意了那些教士提出的堕胎法案了么?
The Idaho gubernatorial candidate formerly known as Marvin Richardson is so strongly opposed to abortion that he has changed his name to Pro-Life. 为了表明自己反对堕胎的态度是如此强烈,正在参加美国爱达荷州州长竞选的候选人马尔文·理查德森最近将其名字该成了“支援生命”。
He struck me as being aggressively pro-life. 他是坚决反对堕胎的。
Ronald Reagan, a divorcee who did little for the pro-life lobby and raised taxes when he had to, would never be nominated today. 要是在今天,罗纳德•里根根本不可能得到提名,这个离婚男人在形势所迫之下,就只提高了税收,却对反对堕胎的呼声充耳不闻。
He founded a successful drilling company, and ran as a "proven job creator"," 100% pro-life and pro-traditional marriage". 他过去建立过一家成功的钻探公司,竞选形象是“实践证明的工作岗位创造者”并且“百分之百反对堕胎、反传统婚姻”。
Gingrich was not popular with some Republican conservatives, especially those in the pro-life movement, who suspected that his grander vision did not necessarily include them. 一些共和党保守派议员,特别是参加反对妇女堕胎运动的议员,不喜欢金里奇,他们怀疑他那更宏伟的设想中未必包括他们。
However, Pro-Life made the change too late to get the updated name on the ballot so supporters will still have to look for his old name. 不过需要指出的是,由于名字改得太晚,所以选票上所印的姓名已经来不及更改,其支援者所能看到的仍将是马尔文·理查德森这个“旧”名字。
When Catholic clergy or "pro-life" politicians argue that abortion laws should be tightened, they do so in the belief that this will reduce the number of terminations. 天主教牧师或反对堕胎合法化的政治家们要求加紧堕胎方面法律,他们这样做是因为相信这样就可以降低堕胎数量。
He is pro-life, which he believes begins at conception. 他反对堕胎,相信生命开始于受孕之时。
These candidates are neither pro-choice nor pro-life, just pro-mom. 这对候选人既不主张堕胎合法化,也不反对堕胎,而是支持母亲本人。
Raymond: Maybe the pro-life lobby in our district have been putting pressure on him. 雷蒙德:也许我们区内的反堕胎游说团给了他压力。
Others who are pro-life thought this was degrading to their movement. 我既不是赞成生命派也不是赞成选择派。而这与政治也无关。
Chase, for example, caused a fuss by excluding a pro-life group and an outfit that wants to legalise cannabis from its competition. 例如摩根大通把反堕胎组织和想让印度大麻合法化的机构排除在竞赛之外时,就导致了强烈的不满。
Pro-life conservatives oppose embryonic stem-cell research on the grounds that it destroys life. 反堕胎主义的保守者们认为胚胎干细胞研究扼杀生命,对其坚决反对。
Pro-life campaign opposes abortion right and establishes a series of organization. 生命派为支持自己的观点,成立了一系列的组织,进行反对堕胎权的运动。