He asserted his innocence and his financial probity. 他宣称自己是清白的,在钱财上没有弄虚作假。
Probity and purity will command respect everywhere. 为人正派到处受人尊敬。
Up to that moment he had lived with that blind faith which gloomy probity engenders. 迄今为止他是靠了盲目的信仰生活着,由此而产生一种黑暗的正直。
Research on Probity Education's Impact on Improving Students 'Ideology 廉洁教育对提高大学生思想道德教育影响力的研究
The standards of our employees are to be profession probity dedication and benefit. 我们的优秀员工标准是:专业、廉洁、敬业、效益。
Do the conditions of tender and the contract contain probity warnings dealing with corruption and conflict of interest? 投标条件及合约有否列明不得涉及贪污及利益冲突情况的警告条款?
But Italy is not just a victim of market contagion, in spite of a reputation for relative fiscal probity. 意大利尽管有着财政相对自律的声誉,依然成为了市场传染的受害者。
High salary for clean government policy in Singapore is very successful, it promotes probity and high efficiency of the government. 新加坡的高薪养廉政策非常成功,促进了政府的廉洁和高效率。
Cubes, squares or dice-Constancy, wisdom, verity probity, and equity. 立方体、方形、骰子-坚毅、学问、耿直和公正。
The negative press on the sub-prime lending crisis and on financial probity may exacerbate this. 关于次贷危机和金融操守的负面报道,可能加剧了这种情况。
Theory and Practice of Taking College Students 'Credibility Education into the Probity Education 把诚信教育纳入大学生廉洁教育的理论与实践
Mr Wang adds: In the west, they achieve probity through the mutual supervision of the executive, legislative and judicial powers. 汪玉凯补充说:在西方,廉洁通过行政、立法和司法三种权力的互相监督来实现。
Just as companies 'financial reports are audited, businesses should create a system to ensure probity. 正如企业财务报表需要审计一样,企业也应建立一套确保诚信的制度。
A Study on the Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Probity Education among Middle School Students 中学生廉洁教育现状、问题与对策研究
His lofty status and his perceived probity allow him to ensure I'm used in certain soccer matches. 如今他至高无上的地位和信誉能确保让我在特定的比赛中被使用。
Greater confidence in the probity of official forecasts is a public good. 人们对官方预测诚信度的信心增强,符合公众的利益。
In a few years his unprincipled wife warped the probity of a lifetime. 在以后的几年里,他那放荡不羁的老婆把他的生活搅了一个一踏糊涂。
Part One: the Background of Probity Education to Young People in China and the Investigation of it in Middle Schools. 这一现象得到了政府、学校、学者及社会人士的关注和重视,并由此开展了对青少年进行廉洁教育的讨论和实践探索。
The study on probity and self-discipline used to emphasize analyzing on its definition, and usually stays in the layer of recognition. 对廉洁自律问题的研究,过去通常注重从定性的角度去分析,而且往往只停留在认识的层面。
Less appreciated is the indirect economic value of probity. 人们对正直带来的间接经济价值认识得不够。
Her probity and integrity are beyond question. 她的诚实和正直是无可争辩的。
In that case, the truck maker took extensive measures to display remorse and demonstrate probity. 在该案例中,三菱扶桑采取了大量措施以展现自责与诚信。
London has a reputation for probity based on sound regulation. 基于完善的监管,伦敦素有正直的美誉。
Call into question; challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of. 有问题;向精确度,正直或者适当挑战。
Bond issuance encourages transparency and fiscal probity. 发行债券有助于提高透明度和财政自律。
These certificates are issued to websites by several hundred companies that pride themselves on their security and reputation for probity. 这些证书是由几百个以它们的正直与安全而自豪的公司发给这些网站的。
Profits and probity need not be mutually exclusive. 利润和诚实并非一定互相排斥。
But Mr Darling is to be praised, not dropped, for his probity. 但达林应该因为他的诚实得到表扬,而非遭到撤换。
Using the Probity Culture of Hakka to Promote the Construction of Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship 以客家廉洁文化推动和谐人际关系的构建
We need far-reaching measures to restore probity and credibility to the industry. 我们需要影响深远的措施来恢复银行业的诚实和信誉。