An indefatigable problem-solver, Maloney once addressed a group of employees dressed as explorer Ernest Shackleton& parka, goggles, and all. 这位不屈不挠的问题解决者有一次穿上派克大衣、戴上护目镜,全副武装,打扮成英国南极探险家欧内斯特•沙克尔顿的样子,向员工发表演讲。
She says: You don't need a big company to solve your problems, you just need the right problem-solver. 她说:你不必去找大公司来解决你的问题,你需要的是找一个合适的人来帮你解决问题。
Are you presenting yourself as, perhaps, a team player, a team leader, a problem-solver, an innovator, or a revenue generator? 你要将自己展示为一名有团队精神的人、团队领导者、善于解决问题的人,还是创新者、收入创造者?
I put some thought to this and I would describe it as probably part adventuralist, part problem-solver, part ejecable traits, sort of a touch of maverick, sort of a touch of iconoclast. 我思考了一下,我可能会,描述成一部分是冒险家,一部分是问题解决者,一部分鲜明的个性,有那么点偏执,还有那么点反对偶像崇拜。
The former chief executive, whose message was that he was a problem-solver, now stands accused by some in his own party of running a disorganised campaign. 这位前首席执行官意图展示出问题解决者的形象,现在却在党内被指竞选组织混乱。
Though somewhat naive, the "positive," or problem-solver will be able to transform situations. 虽然有时候有点天真,但“问题解决者”一定有能力解决问题的,扭转情况的。
She is a pragmatic problem-solver, not ideological, says Prof Langguth. She can change her position from one day to another. 她是个务实的问题解决者,不追究意识形态,朗古特教授表示,她随时会改变立场。
He understands the way markets work and he is a troubleshooter and problem-solver in the Chinese system. 他理解市场运作的方式,在中国的体制内是一名攻关者和问题解决者。
He's a good problem-solver. 他解决难题很拿手。
Stop thinking of yourself as a victim and start thinking of yourself as a problem-solver. 别把自己当作受害者,而要把自己当作解决问题的人。
Vincent Ip Ting Pong is a world-class problem-solver. 叶定邦是一位世界级的排疑解难高手。
I can handle anything, I can conquer any obstacles, I am a problem-solver, I am good at finding solutions. 我能处理任何问题,我能克服任何困难,我能解决所有的问题,我很善于找到办法。
Anyone who wants to become a problem-solver in business has to learn fairly early how to establish priorities. 任何人如想在商业界挑大梁,解决问题,就得很早就要学会安排事物的轻重缓急。
However, VMI solves this problem, changing the problem-solver from corporations alone to the integration. 而供应商管理库存(VMI)的出现大大改善了这个问题,由企业单独解决变成了集成解决。
Constructivism emphasizes the importance of what the learner brings to any learning situation as an active meaning-maker and problem-solver. 建构主义强调学习者将自身经验带进学习过程、强调学习者作为积极的意义建构者和问题的解决者。
Therefore, an important goal of education is to cultivate a successful problem-solver, and to help learners effectively solve the problems at work or in study by training learners 'abilities to analyze and solve problems, and to think creatively. 因此,怎样培养一个成功的问题解决者,帮助学习者有效成功地解决工作或学习中遇到的问题,培养学习者分析问题、解决问题的能力以及探索知识的能力是学习的重要目标。
Of all the factors, the self-efficacy feeling of the problem-solver has a prominent impact on the ability of the problem representation. 其中问题解决者的自我效能感对问题表征能力的影响最为突出。