The stele includes all primary tissues derived from the procambium consists of pericycle, phloem and xylem. 中柱包括从原形成层衍生而来的全部初生组织,由中柱鞘、韧质部和木质部组成。
The correlation between the reducing sugar content in phloem and xylem and the ratio of damaged trees was not close. The stele includes all primary tissues derived from the procambium consists of pericycle, phloem and xylem. 不同杨树品系韧皮部和木质部的还原糖含量与被害株率没有相关性。中柱包括从原形成层衍生而来的全部初生组织,由中柱鞘、韧质部和木质部组成。
It does not show sheaths around the vascular bundles. Procambium ( procambial strand) The layer of cells that gives rise to the vascular tissue. 它并没有显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。原形成层(原形成层束):形成维管组织的一层细胞。
Procambium ( procambial strand) The layer of cells that gives rise to the vascular tissue. 原形成层(原形成层束):形成维管组织的一层细胞。
Protoxylem The PRIMARY XYLEM elements that are formed from the procambium first. 原生木质部:初生木质部的成分,最早由原形成层形成。
Fibers originate from the same procambium as the vascular bundle elements like vessels, sieve tubes and parenchyma cells, but their differentiation is later. 纤维细胞与维管组织等起源于共同的原形成层束细胞;
The procambium continuously develop to the apex after it arises from the place where the leaf primordia originates from below the apical meristem. 而生殖顶端只由一般分生组织和基本组织构成。原形成层在顶端分生组织之下叶原基起源的地方发生。
The results showed: cells rounded the procambium bundle differentiated into bundle sheath at the initial stage of procambium bundle developing into vascular bundle. 结果表明,在叶内原形成层束分化成维管束初期,原形成层束外侧的一层细胞发育成维管束鞘。
Primary meristem of stem is composed of protoderm, procambium and ground meristem. 分枝列当茎的初生分生组织由原表皮、原形成层和基本分生组织组成。
By the time of differentiation of the primordia of stamen and pistil, the bundles of the ear and the stem were connected through procambium. 到雌雄蕊分化期,穗、茎维管系统依靠原形成层束达到初步联络;