Yet this is a Government which proclaims that it is all in favour of openness 但这却是个宣称全力支持开放的政府。
Britain proudly proclaims that it is a nation of animal lovers 英国骄傲地声称自己是一个热爱动物的国家。
He still proclaims himself a believer in the Revolution. 他仍然声称自己拥护革命。
He confidently proclaims that he is offering the best value in the market. 他信心百倍地声称他的产品是市场上最物有所值的。
In his diary of 1944 he proclaims unswerving loyalty to the monarchy. 他在1944年的日记里声称对君主忠贞不贰。
America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof. 在新的世纪,美国要向全世界及所有人宣告自由。
No country now has laws dividing people by race. No country proclaims a policy of Bantu education, which deliberately teaches blacks only just enough to do lowly jobs for whites. 如今再没有国家立法以种族划分人民,也没有国家宣布班图人教育(Bantueducation)政策&一项将黑人刻意教育得仅能为白人完成低端工作的教育政策。
Earlier this month in a speech at France's lower house of Parliament, Prime minister Manuel Valls praised 'a reform that proclaims the right to die peacefully, in dignity and without suffering'. 本月初在下议院的一次演讲中,法国总理曼纽尔·瓦尔斯赞扬该提案是一次改革,可以维护患者权利,让患者不受痛苦,得以安详、有尊严地面对死亡。
One of the young women proclaims: Love without materialism is just a pile of sand and rejects her wealthy but anti-consumerist boyfriend as a nave moron. 电影中一位年轻女性甚至宣扬:没有物质的爱情就像一盘散沙。并和富有却反对消费至上的天真白痴男友提出分手。
Someone who proclaims a message publicly. 公开的宣布信息的人。
Science proclaims that Planet Earth and its inhabitants are a meaningless speck in the grand scheme. A cosmic accident. 科学宣称说地球和地球上的居住者不过是在庞大蓝图上的一个没有意义的小颗粒,一个宇宙偶然事件。
AUCTIONEER, n. The man who proclaims with a hammer that he has picked a pocket with his tongue. 拍卖师:名词,用锤子声明他用舌头偷东西了的人。
It's a promising first outing that proclaims the flowering of a bright, new talent. 这是一张前途无量的处女作,凸现了这名闪亮新人的卓越才能。
And, finally, it proclaims the irreconcilable opposition between gentile society and the state; 最后,它宣告了氏族社会和国家之间的不可调和的矛盾;
The Federal Supreme Judicial Court possesses the interpretation right to the national Constitution and proclaims the laws adopted by the Parliament or the States to be invalid. 美国联邦最高法院拥有国家宪法解释权,可以宣布国会或各州通过的法律无效。
He that boasts of his knowledge proclaims his ignorance. 吹嘘自己的知识的人,等于宣扬他自己的无知。
The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, the pessimist fears this is true. 乐观主义者声称相比前生和来世,我们生活的世界是最好的,悲观主义者就怕这是真的。
Century Town, a vast property development 30km from the centre of the eastern Chinese port city of Qingdao, proclaims its Spanish building quality complete with archways and red tiled roofs. 世纪城是距中国东部港口城市青岛市市中心30公里处的一处大型房地产开发项目。该项目宣称采用西班牙建筑风格,建有拱门和红瓦屋顶。
And peace proclaims olives of endless age. 和平宣告橄榄享受永久葱茏。
A 67-page manifesto of self-purification proclaims that our clients 'interests always come first, and that if we serve our clients, our own success will follow. 该公司长达67页的自我净化宣言声称,我们总是把客户的利益放在第一位,我们的成功源自为客户提供的服务。
His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph. 无论什么事情,只要他一露面,就算是成功了。
"Uncover the market price of corruption," proclaims the banner on its homepage. 网站主页挂出的横幅写着:“揭开腐败的市价”。
A prudent man conceals knowledge, But the heart of fools proclaims folly. 箴12:23通达人隐藏知识.昧人的心、显愚昧。
One that, with the aid of the economic theory that it proclaims, succeeds in conceiving of itself as the scientific description of reality? 在经济理论的帮助下它宣告,在设想本身成功作为现实的一科学描述?
He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims ignorance. 夸耀知识,表明无知。
Offer energy resources as tribute [ to Beijing] to create harmony proclaims a giant billboard outside a petrol station in Korla, in Xinjiang province, China's restive western frontier region. 在中国不那么稳定的西部边疆地区,新疆库尔勒市一座加油站外面,一块巨大的广告牌上写着奉献能源创造和谐。
For example, the Nicene Creed, that proclaims that the doctrine of the Trinity becomes orthodox. 例如尼西亚信经,正式宣布三位一体教义,成为了正统。
Almost as often as he praises main street and denounces Wall Street speculators, he proclaims enthusiasm for small and medium-sized employers while disdaining or berating global enterprises. 就像他经常赞扬普通民众而抨击华尔街投机者一样,他也经常对中小企业表现得热情洋溢,而对全球性企业予以蔑视和斥责。
I live in social media, he proclaims. 我生活在社交媒体中,他宣称。
In the case of Thanksgiving Day the president proclaims the calendar date and requests national observance, and the states then usually enact the necessary legislation. 关于感恩节,总统宣布它在日历上的日期,要求全国庆祝。这样各个州通常制定相应的立法。