Faced with such a dilemma, smart employees should adopt a balanced schedule, instead of procrastinating, said Lu. 陆学斌说,面对这种困境,聪明的员工应该采取一种平衡的方法,而不是拖延工作。
Are you willing to stop procrastinating and start doing? 你想要不再耽搁时间并开始做事吗?
The obstacles and distractions show you are procrastinating, that you have been filling your life with lots of other activities, but they are not getting you anywhere. 遇到的障碍和打扰表明你再拖延时间,你已经有很多其他活动要参加了,但是这些事不能帮你更进一步。
Get busy on those home improvement projects that you've been procrastinating about. 你一直延迟住房改善计划,现在是时候进行了。
Punctual people get everything done ahead of time, because procrastinating means stressing out and scrambling at the last minute. 守时的人往往提前完成任务,因为拖延意味着增加压力,越到最后越抓狂。
Naturally, punctual people don't stay up as late, because they avoid procrastinating. 自然而然,准时的人就不会熬夜,因为他们避免拖延。
While that sounds great, it also means the day can feel long, you might be more prone to procrastinating, or you find it difficult to concentrate and focus after a few hours of intense independent work. 尽管这听起来很不错,但也意味着这一天似乎更加漫长一点,你也许拖延症会加剧,或者发现自己在几个小时的独立紧张工作之后难以集中注意力了。想改善这个情况?
Stop re-reading those tasks you've been procrastinating and set deadlines for yourself to complete them. 别再为这些你一再拖延的工作设定最后期限了,不如划去这些旧任务,这样你才有时间有精力去完成新的任务。
Organization expert Peter Walsh says the one habit you should drop this year is procrastinating. 组织专家彼得-沃尔什认为今年应改掉拖延的坏习惯。
Procrastinating could easily be the sweetest thing in the world, if deadlines did not exist. With a mountain-like load of work waiting to crush you under its weight, you cannot afford to waste time. 要是没有最后期限这回事,拖延可谓是世界上最美好的事情了。面对堆积如山的任务,在如此重压之下,你再也不能浪费时间了。
If you work like this, you'll usually save time: the urgent tasks will still get done, and you won't spend hours procrastinating over the important ones. 如果你按照这样的方式工作,你通常能省下时间:既能完成紧急的事情,而你又不会延误重要的事情。
The first step to correct your procrastinating tendencies is to ascertain the activities that tempt you to distraction. 改善拖延症的第一步就是要确定分散你注意力的行为有哪些。
Others-mostly procrastinating perfectionists-must create anxiety-producing situations in order to get anything done. 还有些人大多数是办事拖沓的完美主义者则必须制造出一个能产生紧张感的环境才能顺利完成工作。
By writing down your aspirations for one week, you will be more in tune with taking action today instead of procrastinating. 通过写下你一周的小小理想,你更有可能会今天就开始行动而不是一再的耽搁。
It is also an achievement that, after much procrastinating, BRICs members may be ready to consider seriously the idea of funding a Development Bank of their own. 另一项成就是,在拖延多年之后,金砖国家可能终于打算认真考虑出资组建一家隶属于该集团的发展银行。
Instead, do your most important thing for the day, or the thing you've been procrastinating on the most. 相反,你要做当天最重要的事情,或者是一直在拖延的事情。
One of the easiest habits to get stuck in, besides procrastinating, is to keep yourself busy with unimportant tasks. 除了拖拖拉拉以外,你最容易陷入的不良习惯之一就是忙于一些无关紧要的事情之中。
Your beliefs can play tricks on you and it can be as simple as procrastinating and missing a deadline if you're a freelancer, or just missing a few vital goals in your online business. 你的想法可能会玩弄你,如果你是个自由职业者,这可能会轻而易举的就让你变得拖延或者错过了某事的最后期限,或是网上交易中的一些重要的目标客户。
It might be procrastinating on updating your r é sum é and missing a huge opportunity, or spending a night in front of the refrigerator after dieting for three months. 可能由于更新简历拖拉从而错过了一次大机会。或者在三个月节食后整晚上在冰箱前吃东西。
Do something you've been procrastinating on. 做那些你一直拖延的事情。
I know I've got to deal with the problem at some point& I'm just procrastinating. 我知道我迟早得处理这个问题&我只是在拖延时间。
Don't spend so long procrastinating about your CV that you never send out any applications. 如果你不申请工作,不要浪费时间修饰你的简历。
In fact many of us may not even realize that we are procrastinating. 事实上,我们很多人甚至不知道自己经常拖沓。
For example, if you plan on writing four chapters of your soon-to-be-published book in a month, it is not until the fourth week that you'll consider yourself actually procrastinating. 比如,你即将出版的书,如果计划在一个月里写四个章节,很可能直到第四周你才会意识到自己一直在拖延。
( saying) procrastination is the thief of time ( procrastinating wastes time) 谚)因循延宕是时间的窃贼(拖延就是浪费时间)。
Stop procrastinating and get organized! 不耽搁了,要有计划!
As the experience with Argentina suggests, procrastinating will make the unavoidable crash and the regional contagion even more dramatic and costly. 正如阿根廷的经验表明的那样,拖延将会让这场不可避免的危机及其对本地区的危害更加严重、造成更大的损失。
The unqualified, degraded, slothful, deceptive, overbearing, lazy, morose and procrastinating performer of actions is called in the nature of ignorance. 那些不合格的,堕落的,投机取巧的,欺诈的,傲慢专横的,懒惰的,郁闷怪僻的,拖拖拉拉的行为者就是处于愚昧无知的品性中。
So before you beat yourself up for procrastinating, check to see whether you make a career out of it. 因此,在你为拖拉狠狠的责备自己的时候,查看你是否可以从中成就事业。
Faith, honesty, patience, and courage bring success to a new business. Waiting, procrastinating, hatred, and blaming others for your mistakes bring failure to a business. 信心、诚实、耐力、勇敢,都是创业的资本;等待、拖延、迁怒、怨怼,则是失败的根本。