
英 [ˈprɒkjʊəreɪtəz]

n.  (苏联)检察长; (天主教)教会官员; (古罗马帝国的)小行省总督


  1. (前苏联)检察长;(天主教)教会官员;(古罗马帝国的)地方行政官员
    A procurator is an administrative official with legal powers, especially in the former Soviet Union, the Roman Catholic Church, or the ancient Roman Empire.


    1. Such alienation is caused by a great many factors, among which a normalization of relations between procurators and police is an important one. The two apples are about the same size.
    2. Right now we don't have enough policemen& especially police officers. There is also a shortage of presiding and ordinary judges in the courts and of lawyers and procurators.
    3. On Judicial Initiative of Procurators Viewed from Civil Reconciliation in Criminal Procedure
    4. Article 44 After retirement public procurators shall enjoy the insurance of old age pension and other benefits as prescribed by the State.
    5. The principles of integrating theory with practice, giving lectures in light of the needs and emphasizing practical results shall be applied in the training of public procurators.
    6. In cases where the people's procuratorate sends procurators to the court, the defendant and his defenders may, with permission of the judges, debate with the public prosecutor.
    7. For example, we now need at least one million additional cadres for the administration of justice, including judges, lawyers, procurators and specialized police.
    8. Moreover, he was always willing to hear complaints against his procurators.
    9. These two laws stipulate that public procurators and judges have the right, according to law, to independently exercise procuratorial power and judicial authority without interference from any administrative organs, social communities and individuals;
    10. Procurators shall be nominated by the Procurator-General and appointed by the Chief Executive.
    11. Those who have served in a people's court or a people's procuratorate as judges or procurators;
    12. Also beside St Mark's Square are two palaces built for the magistrates or procurators of Venice.
    13. The grades of public procurators shall be established and the measures for their evaluation and promotion shall be formulated separately by the state.
    14. The accused just need bear subject proof responsibility through freibeweis to the legality of proof, and procurators should bear object proof responsibility through strengbeweis.
    15. Participants in proceedings shall have the right to file charges against judges, procurators and investigators whose acts infringe on their citizen's procedural rights or subject their persons to indignities.
    16. This drama is to let audience to trust procurators and laws.
    17. The study of classified management of procurators has an important role in promoting sustained development, bringing about procuratorial function and securing the implementation of law.
    18. Persons to be appointed chief procurators or deputy chief procurators of People's Procuratorates shall be selected from among the best procurators and other people who are best qualified for the post.
    19. If the prisoner deceived procurators, he would be disciplined by the judge.
    20. China's judicial organs have a large number of women judges, procurators and lawyers.
    21. The procuratorial organs shall show a correct attitude to the relationship between procurators and lawyers and jointly maintain good professional images.
    22. Article 3 Public procurators must faithfully implement the Constitution and laws, and serve the people whole-heartedly.
    23. Persons to be appointed chief procurators, deputy chief procurators or members of procuratorial committees shall be selected from among those who are experienced in practical work.
    24. The chief procurator, deputy chief procurators, or members of the procura-torial Committee in the same people's procuratorate;
    25. Several hundreds of office workers in that company walked off their jobs in a wage dispute. Persons to be appointed chief procurators, deputy chief procurators or members of procuratorial committees shall be selected from among those who are experienced in practical work.
    26. To strengthen the training of procurators is a necessity for the development of economy and construction of legal system;
    27. And its quality decides the procurators 'quality, professional feature and functional allocation.
    28. But the public procurators are not given the authority to approve arrests.