We read about child prodigies in newspapers and magazines. 我们从报刊杂志上讲到有关神童的报道。
Many prodigies also come from families where one or both parents specialize in the child's field. 很多小天才出生于父或母单方或双方家长专门研究或从事某项的科研或艺术成果。
Q: Can you find prodigies in every field? 问:在其他一些的领域里,你能发现神童吗?
Most prodigies have not only brilliance but also a drive to succeed in their field. 多数天才不只是聪颖,还有要在其领域出人头地的强烈动机。
As the film explains, because of their youth, these military prodigies can absorb complex battle information and develop attack strategies more quickly and easily than adults& the same skill that makes them so good at video games. 正如片中解释的那样,因为他们年轻,相比成年人,这些军事天才可以更迅速、更轻而易举地掌握复杂的作战信息并制定出进攻策略&同样的技能也使得他们打电玩时游刃有余。
He insisted on up-and-coming chess prodigies to lead the world team rather than more famous rivals like Anatoly Karpov or Nigel Short so it wouldn't become a grudge match. 他坚持让那些有发展希望的象棋奇才来领导世界队而不是选择象阿那托利·卡尔波夫和奈杰尔·肖特这些较为出名的竞争对手因此这不是一场旗鼓相当的比赛。
Golf is riddled with tales of teenage prodigies who promised much but failed to cut it as professionals, often wilting under the pressure of sponsor expectations. 高尔夫球领域流传着许多少年神童的传说,他们都曾被寄予厚望,但成为职业球员后却表现平平,往往因为无法承受赞助商的期待带来的压力而成绩一落千丈。
Child Prodigies Don't Exist 神童其实不存在
When people claim that prodigies exist, they point to Mozart and Tiger Woods as examples. However, those two were actually seasoned pros by the time they were famous. 人们在极力证实天才的存在时,往往都会以莫扎特和泰格·伍兹两人为例。殊不知成名之前,他们在各自的领域早已是行家里手。
His first young pupils were conspicuously more skilled than others at the time when classical musicians of any age were rare in Japan and were soon heralded by the Japanese media as prodigies and geniuses. 他最初培养的一批年轻学生,明显比其他人更娴熟当时在日本,任何年龄段的古典音乐演奏者都很罕见而且很快就被日本媒体誉为神童和天才。
His father was making a living off the fact that Mozart and his sister were prodigies, so there's a very good chance his father wrote the music himself. 只不过他的父亲曾打着莫扎特和他的姐妹是天才的幌子,为自己的音乐创作寻求一个绝佳的机会并借此谋生。
Mr. Downes, though generally skeptical of prodigies, wrote that the boy conducted with a beat clean and firm, yet elastic and with a consistency of tempo that very occasionally was modified by a nuance absolutely in place and appropriate as it was employed. 尽管唐斯一向对神童持怀疑态度,但是他写道,这个男孩的指挥节奏清晰而坚定,并且富有弹性,节拍连贯,偶尔的细微差异也表现得绝对准确、恰到好处。
The warriors of the Red Army at Stalingrad have performed prodigies of heroism which will affect the destiny of mankind. 斯大林格勒的红军战士做出了有关全人类命运的英雄事业。
These child prodigies were forced to grow up too fast without the benefit of a normal childhood. 这些天才儿童没能经历正常的童年而被迫成长过快。
The Spies performed prodigies of activity in clambering over the rooftops and cutting the streamers that fluttered from the chimneys. 少年侦察队的表现特别精采,他们爬上了屋顶,把挂在烟囱上的横幅剪断。
Infant prodigies tend to demonstrate abnormal powers of concentration. 天才少年往往都表现出异于常人的专注力。
Being hand-picked by Zhang Yimou is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that can become a springboard to fame and fortune, as his past prodigies Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi have proven. 被张艺谋钦点是一生中千载难逢的机遇,也是名利双收的跳板,这一点已在巩俐、章子怡等演艺奇才身上得到验证。
What we appreciate, enjoy or marvel at in the works of genius or the achievements of prodigies are the manifestations of skills or abilities which are similar to, but so much superior to, our own. 天才的作品或神童的成就令人欣赏、喜爱和惊叹之处在于其体现了他们的技能和本领,这些技能和本领虽然与我们的相似,但远远高于我们的水平。
He made him like the saints in glory, and magnified him in the fear of his enemies, and with his words he made prodigies to cease. 天主使他享有圣者同样的光荣,使他成为敌人所怕的伟大人物,藉梅瑟的言语,破除邪术。
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be remembered as one of history's most famous child prodigies. 莫扎特将作为历史上最有名的神童之一永远留在人们的记忆里。
According to art critics around the world, my guest is one of a few prodigies in decades to capture the art of realism. 根据全世界艺术鉴赏人士,她是数十年来少数写实主义的奇才之一。
They wonder what these parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies, what it's like inside the family, and whether they could do it too. 他们想知道这些父母都做了什么以至于培养出这么多的数学和音乐神童,他们又有一种怎样的家庭。
One reason why prodigies such as Picasso and Einstein had a head start in life was that they had parents who demonstrated how to think about subjects like art or physics at a very early age. 像毕加索、爱因斯坦这样的神童之所以能在生活中率先起跑的一个原因就是他们的父母在他们很小的时候就教给他们如何思考如艺术或物理这样的科目。
I'm not a prodigy, but people close to me that I prodigies, I puzzled, until they know the abbreviation of comrade is a mental derangement! 我不是神童,但我身边的人都叫我神童,我百思不得其解,直到后来才知道是神经病同志的简称!
Some of these child prodigies have graduated from universities before even reaching their teen years. 这类神童中的有些人在到达青少年年纪前就已大学毕业。
Indeed, we should give the prodigies their props. Bond's music is not warmed-over Bach. 的确,给这些天才说句公道话:棒辣妹的音乐可不是炒冷饭的巴哈。
It seldom happened that a third party ever witnessed any of these prodigies. 这类壮举发生的时候,难得有第三者在场目睹过。
On Possibilities to Educate Prodigies in General 论天才儿童普遍培养的可能性
The similarities between French poet Rimbaud and Chinese poet Gu Cheng are remarkable: they were both child prodigies, both of them lived short but legendary lives. 中国诗人顾城和法国诗人兰波有很多相似之处,他们都是神童诗人,拥有同样的传奇人生,同样的短暂生命。