Or general motors ( GM), which has spent prodigiously in the quest to fix Cadillac. 也可以问问通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors),它为了让凯迪拉克(Cadillac)重振雄风已经投入了不计其数的资金。
I am prodigiously proud of him. 我真为他感到莫大的骄傲。
They replicate in their host cells so prodigiously and stream out into their surroundings so continuously that if you collected all the viral flotsam afloat in the world's oceans, the combined tonnage would outweigh that of all the blue whales. 它们在宿主细胞中大量复制,不断涌入周围环境。如果将全球海洋里漂浮的所有病毒性物质收集起来,总重会超过所有蓝鲸的重量。
Owners of scarce commodities have seen their returns rise prodigiously. 稀缺大宗商品的拥有者,看到了自己的回报大幅上升。
She is a prodigiously talented pianist. 她是才华横溢的钢琴家。
Of the three prodigiously gifted Bront ë sisters Anne has been judged the least talented. 在这个三个令人叹服的天才姐妹中,安被认为是天赋最少的一个。
In consequence of dobbin's victory, his character rose prodigiously in the estimation of all his school fellows. 自从都宾打了胜仗以后,同学们异乎寻常地尊敬他的人格。
How to reciprocate within the three countries, will prodigiously effect on the peace and stability of territories. 三国间如何互动,将在很大程度上影响该地区的和平与稳定。
He was a prodigiously gifted artist. 他是一个有非凡天赋的艺术家。
They limited the man at his meals, but still his girth increased and he swelled prodigiously under his shirt. 他们限制了这个人的饭量,可是他的腰围仍然在加大,身体胖得惊人。
Such remarks, though, hardly begin to explain that prodigiously gifted author Henry james. 然而这样的说法,一点也不能解释这个得天独厚的作家亨利?詹姆斯的情况。
The prices of farms rose prodigiously. 农场的价格涨得飞快。
However, the conditioning cylinder is very nonlinear, time lagging a lot, with many interferential factors and prodigiously inertial, at present, the method of scale and PID control can't realize the efficient control of the conditioning cylinder in our country. 但由于润叶机具有非线性强、时滞性大、随机干扰因素多、惯性大的特点,目前国内所采用的比例加PID的控制方法不能实现润叶机的有效控制。
At the same time, if the degumming technology is extensively applied into industrialization production, the dosage of enzymes will prodigiously increase, which will promote the development of the industry on enzymes. 同时,随着酶脱胶技术在工业化生产中的推广应用,酶的使用量势必大幅度增加,从而将带动酶工业的发展。
In recent years, the processing speed and capability of electronic instruments have been prodigiously improved. The digital image process technology has been constantly on the upgrade, and video information is widely applied in many fields. 近些年来,电子器件的运行速度和处理能力有大幅度的提高,数字图像处理技术也在不断进步,视频信息得到越来越广泛的应用。
After the break on the twisters metonymy, the source domain that contains the target domain, but after twisters metonymy prodigiously not have the source field contains the characteristics of the target domain. 基于转喻歇后的歇后语,其源域包含目标域,而转喻不歇后的歇后语则不具备源域包含目标域这一特性。
Given the lack of previous studies, this metaphor and metonymy based on cognitive point of view, combined with the conceptual integration theory, analysis of twisters internal cognitive mechanisms to analyze and prodigiously after the break after twisters cognitive causes. 鉴于以往研究的不足,本文基于认知隐喻和转喻角度,通过分析歇后语内部的认知机制,来剖析歇后语歇后和不歇后的认知成因。