The proembryo from zygotic cell divisions may be divided into three parts: proper, hypoblast and suspensor. 玉米合子细胞分裂形成的原胚分为胚柄、基与胚体三部分。
Zygotes in the prophase of mitosis and two-celled proembryo became active again in metabolism, for a prominent nucleolus, high density of ribosomes and increased number of polysomes in the cytoplasm. 合子分裂前期和二细胞原胚期,核仁显著,胞质中核糖体的密度增加,出现大量多聚核糖体,细胞代谢活性较强。
The multicellular proembryo and globular embryo possessed uniserial or untidy disposal multi-cellular suspensor. 在多细胞原胚及球形胚期具有单列或不规则排列的多细胞胚柄。
Conclusion GA3 and Z can promote germination of American ginseng seed, but cannot ignite the development of proembryo. 结论GA3和Z是西洋参种子萌发促进因子,而不能启动原胚的起始发育。
In the young embryo at 3 DAP the scutellum and coleoptile appeared simultaneously directly from the proembryo. The coleoptile did not originate from the scutellum. 盾片和胚芽鞘在授粉后3d的幼胚上同时出现,两者均直接由原胚分化,并非胚芽鞘从盾片发生。
In seeded, seedless grapes and hybridized crosses, the course of embryo development was; zygote → proembryo with many cells → smaller globular embryo → larger globular embryo → heart-shape embryo → torpedo-shape embryo → mature embryo. 细胞学观察发现,无核葡萄、有核葡萄及其杂种胚的发育都经历合子胚→多细胞时期→小球形胚→大球形胚→心形胚→鱼雷胚→成熟胚的各个时期。
After fertilization, the starch within zygote increased obviously in size and content, and completely disappeared at later stage of proembryo. 卵细胞受精后,所含淀粉粒的数量和大小明显增长,随着合子和胚细胞的分裂,其中贮存的淀粉逐渐被消耗,到多细胞球形胚时完全消失。
The development phase of proembryo was about 30 days, young embryo 40 days and mature embryo 60 days. 原胚期约30天,幼胚期约40天,成熟胚期约60天;
Its first division is transverse and result in a 2-celled proembryo which comprises an apical cell and a basal cell. 合子的第一次分裂为横分裂,形成由顶细胞和基细胞组成的2细胞原胚。
The embryo initials and suspensor cells showed very weak Feulgen positive reaction in the proembryo and young embryo. 在原胚及幼胚胚原细胞质中也呈现很弱的正反应。
Z-cells are in the proembryo stage. 2-细胞原胚阶段。
After formed proembryo and early young embryo, the content of DNA in the nuclei of the initials became normal. The RNA and acid protein contents are rich during the whole development, especially within the embryo initials. 在原胚及早期幼胚发育过程中,胚原细胞核DNA含量恢复正常,RNA及酸性蛋白质含量均较丰富,特别是在胚原细胞内。
The embryo development went through three stages: proembryo 、 embryo differentiation and embryo maturation, and the endosperm experienced a free nuclear stage. 胚发育经过原胚、分化胚和成熟胚三个时期;胚乳发育经历游离核时期;
There were two peaks of starch accumulation at the stages of early proembryo and cotyledon embryo. 在早期原胚发育过程中胚体外一直包围有厚壁。原胚时期和子叶胚时期出现两次淀粉积累现象。
Then embryogenic cell divided into two cells, which sequentially differentiated through multicell proembryo, globular, heart-shaped and cotyledonary embryo stages. 胚性细胞分裂产生两个细胞,进而分化发育成多细胞原胚、球形胚、心形胚及子叶胚。
The Fertilization and Proembryo Choose of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 樟子松受精作用和原胚的选择
During the embryogenesis, CaM gene was expressed stronger in the endosperm cells than in the proembryo cells at the earlier stage but it was reversed at the stage of embryo differentiation. 胚胎发育早期,钙调素基因在胚乳细胞中的表达比原胚中强,而后期则在分化胚中比胚乳细胞中强。
In proembryo stage, the Feulgen reaction is positive. The nucleolus is Feulgen negative all the time. 到原胚期,Feulgen正反应恢复正常,核仁在全部过程中均为Feulgen负反应。
Proembryo absorbed nutrition in corrosion cavity and grew, developed. 原胚吸收溶蚀腔中的营养,生长发育。
At early proembryo stage the proembryo cells and endosperm contained numerous lipid globules in their cytoplasm. 原胚初期,每个原胚细胞及胚乳原生质中均积累较多脂类。
In 2-celled proembryo, the quantity of starch grains decreased. 合子二分裂为2细胞原胚时,细胞中淀粉粒有所减少。
Ootid divided spontaneously into 2 and 4 cell proembryo and multicell globular proembryo. In the end it developed into apomixis embryo. 卵细胞自发分裂形成2细胞原胚,4细胞原胚到多细胞球型原胚,进一步发育为无融合生殖胚。
Then the one cell near Chalaza end, which was derived from basal cell, underwent perpendicular division again, together with cells derived from apical cell, they formed embryo proper, and then sequentially formed multicellular spherical proembryo, heart-shaped embryo, Torpedo-shaped embryo, mature embryo. 由基细胞分裂来的近合点端的一个细胞再发生纵裂,和从顶细胞分裂来的细胞共同参与胚体的形成,进而产生多细胞球形原胚,心形胚,鱼雷形胚,成熟胚。
There ware two cell proembryo and some endosperm free nucleuses in the embryo sac 7-8 days after pollination; 授粉后7-8天,在胚囊中见到二细胞原胚及数个胚乳游离核。
The zygotes began to divide on the nineteenth day after full blooming, then passed through the process of two-cell proembryo → multicellular proembryo → globular embryo, and thereafter showed degenerating embryos; 合子在盛花后第19天进行第一次分裂,经过二细胞原胚→多细胞原胚→球形胚,此后胚开始退化;
Embryogenesis of Ginkgo experienced the development of proembryo stages, differentiation of young embryo stages and development of upper embryo stages. 银杏胚胎发育可分为原胚发育、幼胚分化、后期胚的发育3个阶段。
Embryo development can be divided into three successive stages: proembryo stage, organ differentiation stage and growth-mature stage. 胚的发育经历原胚阶段、器官分化阶段和生长成熟阶段三个连续的发育时期。