Proestrus lasts approximately nine days; the female, however, will not allow coitus at this time. 发情前期约持续九天,不过,这段时间,母犬并不与公犬交配。
In proestrus rats, the percentage of units dis-charged in periodic pattern was significantly higher than in diestrus rats ( p < 0.01). 情前期大鼠周期性放电单位所占的百分比显著地多于间情期大鼠(P<0.01)。
Conclusion: △ Np63 expression clearly increases in the endometrium of proestrus, which may enhance the proliferation and cleavage of the stromal cells. 结论:ΔNp63在动情前期高表达,可能与子宫内膜间质细胞增殖、生长有关;
RESULTS: In control rats, cyclical changes in serum LH and E 2 levels were shown, the proestrus LH and E 2 surge appeared. 结果:对照组大鼠给药d19,20,21及停药24h,这4d的血清LH和E2水平均有周期性变化,出现一个动情前期的LH峰和E2峰;
All rats were killed at the day of first proestrus. 于第一个发情前期日将大鼠处死,并检测其下丘脑垂体性腺轴启动指标。
VCE and VCI neurons of rats in proestrus took the form of periodic firing. 动情前期大鼠的VCE及VCI神经元多呈周期性放电;
The results showed that: ① Immunoactive Ang ⅱ was mainly distributed at luminal and glandular epithelium in rat uterus during estrus cycle, and its density was highest at proestrus, while lowest at diestrus; 结果显示:①在动情周期的大鼠子宫中AngⅡ免疫阳性物主要定位于子宫腺、腔上皮,其免疫染色强度在动情前期最高,间情期最低。
Proestrus and metestrus prolonged significantly in 1.91mg/kg and 31.80mg/kg group than that of the control and the duration of estrus and diestrus was reduced. 动情期和动情间期则延长,31.80mg/kg组的动情间期持续时间明显比对照组短;各组动情周期异常率均高于对照组,在31.80m眺g组差异具有显著性。
We have developed a "combination culture system", composed of primary differentiated granulosa cells, proestrus anterior pituitary lobe and △-4-androstenedione. 我们建立了由离体同步未分化颗粒细胞、动情前期垂体前叶和Δ-4雄烯二酮组成的联合培养系统。
The amount of mast cells in the uterus and oviduct was in the order of metestrus proestrus diestrus estrus. They were different significantly only in the myometrium ( P0.01), while there was no difference in lamina propria and oviduct. 发情周期中子宫及输卵管肥大细胞数量变化为:发情后期发情前期间情期发情期,子宫肌层MC数量各组间差异极显著(P0.01),子宫固有层和输卵管内无显著变化。
In this study, We found that during estrous cycle, Frizzled 2 mRNA and protein exhibited the highest level in the proestrus stage and rapidly decreased from estrus to diestrus. 研究发现,动情前期的Frizzled2mRNA和蛋白水平最高,自动情期到间情期快速减弱。
All the mice in proestrus. 所有小鼠均处于发情前期。
The result of superovulation of mouse in proestrus was significantly better than others. 2. 处于发情前期小鼠的超排效果优于其他3组。
In Model group, after established the first estrus, the rats were killed during proestrus early process. 模型组大鼠建立第一个发情期后于动情前期将该动物处死,其余各组按1:1比例同时处死。
Overall, the strongest hybridization signals were in proestrus and diestrus, second level in the other stages. This was mostly consistent with real-time Q-PCR. 整体来看,动情前期和间情期杂交信号最强,其他二时期次之,这基本与realtimeq-PCR的结果一致。
During the estrous cycle, Ski expression was apparent at proestrus and estrus, faint at metestrus, highest at diestrus. 发情周期中,总体上,Ski在发情间期表达最强,发情前期和发情期表达也很明显,发情后期表达相对最弱。
In situ hybridization results showed that the positive signals for Frizzled 2 were highly detected in the oocyte and stroma in proestrus stage, while moderate or weak Frizzled 2 mRNAs were localized in the oocyte, granulose cells, stroma and corpus luteum from estrus to diestrus. 原位杂交结果表明:动情前期卵母细胞和基质中Frizzled2信号强;而后三个时期的卵母细胞、颗粒细胞、基质和黄体中具有中等或微弱信号。