Men began thinking about professing their love 97.3 days into a relationship – six weeks earlier than women, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology reports. 据《个性与社会心理学杂志》的报道,男性在进入恋爱关系第97.3天时会开始考虑示爱,比女性早了六周。
The cafe released a statement on its official Weibo account on Monday afternoon, explaining the cafe` s location and professing its respect for Chinese history and traditional culture. 星巴克于周一下午在其官方微博上发布声明,解释了该咖啡店的位置,并表达了其对中国历史与传统文化的尊重。
I have lately vented and publicly asserted divers wicked, blasphemous, and Atheistical positions professing that I gloried to be an Hobbist and an Atheist. 我在最近的讲课中一直宣扬并公开断言各种邪念,对神明的亵渎,以及强调无神论的地位,我非常荣幸成为霍布斯主义的无神论者。
I'm sort of professing my love here. 我的爱情正在紧要关头。
Perhaps that accounted for the palpable tensions among Nardelli, Press and LaSorda, who kept professing to be having fun. 这可能就是纳尔代利、普瑞斯与莱索达之间关系明显紧张的原因&尽管他们一直表示自己很开心。
With the description of collecting and professing video documents and the non-linear edit, this paper has made an exposition with video. 从数字视频的采集与压缩、数字视频的非线性编辑两方面对计算机多媒体课件中的视频处理进行了阐述。
All over Western and central Europe barbarian chiefs were now reigning as kings, dukes and the like, practically independent but for the most part professing some sort of shadowy allegiance to the emperor. 在西欧和中欧各地,蛮族首领此时执掌着国王、君主以及诸如此类的大权,实际上相互独立,但是他们大多表示对皇帝某种象征性的效忠。
Tim. 2:10 But, what befits women professing godly reverence, by good works. 提前二10乃藉著善行,以那适宜于自称是敬神之女人的为妆饰。
Professing christianity, he had little compassion in his make-up. 他号称信奉基督教,却没有什么慈悲心肠。
He saw no reason why slaves professing Christianity should be freed. 他看不出有什么理由要让信奉基督教的奴隶们获得自由。
It is no use professing to want zero problems with the neighbours without making a much broader effort to resolve such ancient quarrels as those with Armenia or over Cyprus. 自称想与邻国毫无争端,和平共处,而没有做出更广泛的努力来解决与亚美尼亚或塞浦路斯的古老争议(历史遗留问题),这是没有用的。
For decades the storage disk providers have been professing the death of tape. 存储磁盘供应商十几年来一直信奉磁带已死。
A group of Christians; any group professing Christian doctrine or belief. 基督教徒的团体;表明忠于基督教条或信仰的任一团体。
So he thought over various plans for relief, and finally hit pon that of professing to be fond of Pain-killer. 他绞尽脑汁,终于想出一个解脱的计划:假称喜欢吃止痛药。
He is professing history at a university. 他还在一所大学教授历史。
There would be no lack of funds for holy purposes if all professing Christians paid their fair share. 若基督徒都献上该归给上帝的,上帝在各样圣工上绝不会让我们匮乏。
In the late1930s," Dallas Theological Seminary, though strongly professing to be a Presbyterian institution, was being severed from the conservative Presbyterian splinter movement. " 在1930年代下半,“达拉斯神学院,虽然强烈的承认自己是一个长老会的神学院,但是却与保守派长老会的分离运动切割。”
Their immaculately tailored clothes, perfectly styled hair and youthful faces have scores of teenage girls professing their undying love every day. 他们得体的穿着、完美的发型、年轻的脸庞,使得每天都有无数的女孩向他们表达爱慕之情。
A week of tense trade talks started yesterday in Geneva with most sides professing willingness to compromise but saying that others had to take the lead. 为期一周的紧张贸易谈判昨日在日内瓦启动。多数方面表示愿意做出妥协,但要求其它方面采取主动。
Although professing diametrically opposite principles from those of the editor of the other paper, beauchamp as it sometimes, we may say often, happens was his intimate friend. 波尚的主张虽然与那家报纸的编辑正好相反,可是他们倒是亲密的朋友,这原是常有的事。
But as it becometh women professing godliness, with good works. 而要以善行装饰自己,这才合乎称为虔敬天主的女人。
And finally hit PON that of professing to be fond of pain-killer. 终于想到假称喜欢吃止痛药。
Such aspirations are shared and also disputed with others professing to share the same or similarly formulated and identified standards of aspiration. 同样,在声称拥有相同或者相似的规范和确定标准的地方,这种愿望也或被共享或被争议着。
Why, even the professing church is such that to follow the LORD fully within its bounds is very difficult. 凭良心说,即使在教会中,要找出那些真正跟随耶稣,完全遵行祂旨意的人也很难。
The man was still professing his innocence. 那人仍在表白自己的无辜。
I'm professing that I'm weak. 我坦白自己的软弱。
Professing or exhibiting a strict, traditional sense of virtue and morality; high-minded. 尽责的,孝敬的带有或表现出严格的传统道德思想的;心性高的。
There is a better environment because of the sport of china reforming in management system, event management, sport socialization and professing, sport industry, and sport law. 我国体育事业在行政管理体制改革、运动项目管理和体育社会化、职业化方面的改革、体育产业化和体育法制建设等方面的改革为我国大学竞技体育的发展创造了良好的外部环境。
Religion is a universal phenomenon in the long cultural history of mankind. Most of the countries in the world are professing religion, and it is closely linked with the development of human society. 宗教是人类历史文化上一种源远流长而普遍的现象,世界上各个国家和民族中都存在宗教,它与人类社会发展紧密相连。