ADJ 职业的;专业的 Professional means relating to a person's work, especially work that requires special training.
His professional career started at Liverpool University. 他的职业生涯是从利物浦大学开始的。
ADJ (人)职业的,专业的 Professional people have jobs that require advanced education or training.
...highly qualified professional people like doctors and engineers. 像医生和工程师这样需要高技能的专业人员
Professional is also a noun.
My father wanted me to become a professional and have more stability. 我父亲想让我成为职业人士,这样能更稳定一些。
ADJ 专门从事的;非业余的 You use professional to describe people who do a particular thing to earn money rather than as a hobby.
This has been my worst time for injuries since I started as a professional footballer... 这是我当职业足球运动员以来受伤来得最不是时候的一次。
Jack Nicklaus has played in every Major Championship since he turned professional in 1961. 杰克·尼克劳斯自从1961年转为职业选手以来参加了四大赛的所有比赛。
Professional is also a noun.
He had been a professional since March 1985. 他从1985年3月开始就成了职业选手。
ADJ (运动)职业性质的 Professional sports are played for money rather than as a hobby. art student who had played professional football for a short time. 踢过短时间职业足球的艺术系学生
ADJ-GRADED 专业的;内行的;高水平的 If you say that something that someone does or produces is professional, you approve of it because you think that it is of a very high standard.
They run it with a truly professional but personal touch. 他们的经营既有真正的专业水准又不乏个人特色。
Professional is also a noun.
...a dedicated professional who worked harmoniously with the cast and crew. 一位非常敬业的、同所有演职人员合作融洽的专业人士
Having professionally made curtains can be costly, so why not make your own? 既然找专门人员做窗帘非常贵,为什么不自己做呢?
There followed something of a fallow period professionally, until a job came up in the summer. 接着在事业上无甚起色,直到夏季有了一份工作。
I would like to take pictures professionally because I get so much out of it. 我想从事职业摄影,因为我从中获益匪浅。
Having curtains made professionally can be costly 找专业公司制作窗帘会非常昂贵。
This has taken a great toll on me personally and professionally 这给我的个人生活和我的工作都造成了严重的不良影响。
The contingent of cadres should become more revolutionary, better-educated, professionally, more competent and younger in age. 干部队伍应该革命化、知识化、专业化、年轻化。
[ 谚] If you want to work with iron, you must be tough yourself--one must be ideologically sound and professionally competent to do arduous work. 打铁先得本身硬。
Kimberly says, we had so many questions about our future, both personally and professionally. 金伯利说:从个人和专业的角度,我们都对未来有很多疑问。
And we salute all those who assisted in responding so quickly and professionally to this tragedy. 我们向在这场悲剧中进行快速反应和专业协助的人们致敬。
Have good reasons why it would benefit you personally and professionally. 从私人和专业两个方面来找一个好的理由解释这份工作会给你带来哪些好处。
He also highlights that they are both professionally trained in CPR and water safety. 他还强调他们都接受过专业的心肺复苏术和水上安全训练。
You want to learn and grow professionally. 你想要向着职业化的方向学习和成长。
Professionally, I am a decently busy photographer and yoga teacher. 工作上,我是一个体面的摄影师和瑜伽教练。
You can make progress professionally. 你在职场上会有发展。
To those of you who work for me, I have let you down, personally and professionally. 对那些和我一起工作的人来说,我从个人角度和工作层面都让你们失望了。
Both professionally and personally, these people looked forward to moving ahead and getting appreciation. 在专业技能和个人方面,这些人都期待着能够提升和获得赏识。
So I got a lot of on-the-job training and experience as I was growing professionally. 因此,随着我专业的提高,我获得了很多在职培训和经验。
I decided that the move would provide a great opportunityfor me professionally and culturally for my family. 我认为这次行动为我个人提供了一个巨大的机遇,也为我的家人提供了一个文化上的机遇。
Another problem is how to find and use professionally trained people. 还有一个问题,发现和使用人才的问题。
Large, professionally run international groups have invested in Brazil, bringing technological know-how and financial resources. 大规模的、专业化运营的国际集团投资巴西,带来了专门技术知识和金融资源。
An independent researcher is capable of doing all these professionally. 一个独立的研究人员是可以专业地完成这三个部分。
If you'd like to keep advancing both personally and professionally, you belong to Hilton. 如果你希望不断促进个人和专业方面的发展,你属于希尔顿!
He is the first professionally trained and experienced librarian to fill this position. 他是第一个担任这个职务的受过专业训练和有工作经验的图书管理员。
Her voice should be professionally trained. 她在运嗓上应接受专业训练。
You will be challenged personally and professionally. 在自身和专业上接受挑战。
They should manage their money professionally and transparently. 它们应该专业和透明地管理其资金。
Otherwise you are not growing professionally. 否则,你就没有职业发展。
Which I didn't consider professionally relevant. 这个我不认为和工作有关。
I trust my doctor because she acts professionally. 我相信我的医生,因为她很专业。
My notification that the domain was for sale and subsequent purchase was handled efficiently and professionally. 我的通知,该域名是为销售和购买后的处理效率和专业。