Closed center hydrostatic power steering system Design of Profilograph Based on Static-pressure Air Bearing Slider 闭心式静液压转向系基于静压气浮导轨形状测量仪的研制
Absorption Property in Rectangular Waveguide with Left-handed Material Design of Profilograph Based on Static-pressure Air Bearing Slider 左手介质矩形波导的吸收特性(英文)基于静压气浮导轨形状测量仪的研制
3D object sensing method using digital video projector Development of Measurement and Test System for Two-dimension Profilograph 基于数字投影仪的三维轮廓检测系统二维表面轮廓测量仪测试系统的开发
The measurement result is coincident with the result of profilograph. 实验结果与轮廓仪检测结果吻合得很好。
Studies on the plough bottom optical profilograph 光学犁体曲面测量仪的试验研究